Pioneer WYT mini split wifi integration

Hey. I just saw this. I was doing the same thing but took some time off from it. Looks like you went much further than I did. But here are my notes in case there is anything useful… Probably not though. GitHub - badfrogg/WYT-UART: Raw serial captures of Pioneer WYT communication

@badfrogg this is great to see. Always nice to have more data and perspectives. I’ve been working a little on reverse engineering the firmware, to come at it from the other side. Been working with just a flash dump, but I think I’ll need to get a RAM dump from a running system. More on that later.

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Was able to get everything setup - used yml file from thread

in pioneer airlink app cleared out registration to AC

setup a tuya account and then used tuya android app to add the AC to the tuya app.

used localtuya integration - signed in to cloud developer account. added tuya account in tuya cloud dev account.

localtuya needs the UID of the account in the tuya account, not the email address.

localtuya then shows a new device - copy the IP, device ID, & local key from there. I attempted to just add the device with localtuya but it failed (no entities), so I went back to my plan of using tuya local

add yml file in the tuya local integration file…

then add new tuya local integration with the device id, IP, & local key - pick the pioneer mini split yml. everything is good.

On installing the wifi controller - there are apparently two versions of the head units… there is NO way to get to the wifi module without taking the unit apart on the newer ones. I’m just going to cut plastic instead of taking the one on the wall apart. It was one thing to take it apart on the bench, I’m not doing it on the wall…

FYI, just wanted to mention for others, that in my case for my WYT, i had to select “Poll Only” otherwise the device entities became unavailable after a couple days, and were very intermittent after that until “Poll Only” was enabled.

Hey all,

I’ve been working on an ESPHome component using @snowcap1771’s rather complete library as a starting point. The USB dongle interface is wired differently than the iot-uni-dongle and SLWF-01pro (e.g. what would normally be GND is actually +5V) so I’m going to put together an open source dongle design, but I figured I’d mention the module here in the mean time: