Pip installed HA on Windows 10 - How do I move it to my Raspberry Pi now?

I have spent the better part of the day trying to figure out how the heck to install HA with Windows 10. I didn’t even realize it would be an issue…until it was. So I successfully installed HA (which I can’t seem to find in my folders) using Python as recommended. I want it to run on my Raspberry Pi. Does anyone know how to move it to the SD card? Or maybe I need to install again doing something differently?

You will need to install it again, you can copy configs though if your current install is fresh, I’d just start fresh again.

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This is exactly what I tried to do before giving up and running python to install. I went through the instructions multiple times and had Hassio on the rpi but I never could get to the home assistant page when it was all said and done. Then I started reading that I had to go through some other special method to install it since I’m using windows 10.

I’m going to try again using this tutorial:


Unless someone has another tutorial or instructions that might work better.

How do I uninstall home assistant and python from my computer for a fresh start as you suggested?

In Windows I have no idea, on Linux it would be the same as removing any other kind of package.

Though if I may suggest something, do not use Windows if you want the full potential of Home Assistant. Windows in general is much harder to configure as some ports are either used by windows or some other kind of programs. For some stuff you will need to setup a reverse proxy or know how to change specific ports for specific services.

My advice for beginners would be Hass.io on a raspberry pi. My advice for average/expert users would be either hassbian or a proper linux distro like Ubuntu for example. When using plain old Linux you can install it in a python venv (virtual environment). If you use a raspberry there are packages for it which make installing simple (but editing will be harder if you do not want to be stuck to the GUI, it is possible but requires more work).

Alternatively you could install HA in docker on either of these platforms including Windows (the docker version does not have the standard Windows limitations as it is basically a virtual environment.

I myself have it installed on a Hyper-V server. The client is a Ubuntu 18.04 install and I have installed HA in a python venv.

Well I actually WANT it installed on my raspberry pi. When I went through the process to install it on the pi I couldn’t open HA in my browser at all. I tried hassio.local:8123 and hassio:8123 and even gave my pi a static IP and tried that several times. Nothing worked. So I ended up doing it this way instead and I’m going to erase it and retry installing on the pi. Are there complications that you know of with installing on the pi using windows 10?

You want Windows 10 on your pi? That would even be worse than running it on an actual Windows 10 box. You could try this though:


Or find any linux distro suitable for a rpi and install it on top of that in a python venv (though this is not the best solution as rpi have limited resources).

Here is a more comprehensive explanation of Hassio if you want to try that again.

And here is a comprehensive explanation of how to install it in a python venv.

If neither of these work, you could connect to ssh and paste the error logs here so we can check what is actually wrong. Do you use wifi or ethernet cable? And is your power supply sufficient, this is important. Also make sure your router doesn’t block traffic to and from your pi.

(Srry on holiday so can’t be very helpful, all I know is that the docs are pretty much scattered around the HA website so I pasted some links)

Try your pi ip :8123 instead of hassio.local

And dont instal windows on the pi :grinning:

lmao! I didn’t mean I was trying to install windows on the pi. I mean my computer is on windows and I wondered if that could have been causing a complication with connecting to the pi. But these are really good instructions thank you! I’m gonna erase everything and start over tonight with these guides. I’ll let y’all know how it goes! :smiley: