PipUp notification service

I saw various guides about using PipUp on Android TVs for picture in picture notifications, but all relied on using a rest template command in configuration.yaml which, while it works, seemed a little hacky to me. So I created a (very basic) integration that provides a real pipup service in HA, with all the parameters PipUp supports.

It also adds a service to set up the overlay permission, and a service to start PipUp in case it is not yet started, that you can call on a schedule, or when your TV turns on.

It relies on the Android Debug Bridge (androidtv) integration.

I’m considering also adding a service for the download/install of PipUp on the device, but will probably need to support a selection from various sources, since people have modified the now unmaintained source repo with additional features.


I wrote an AndroidTV app that can display multiple cameras stream on your AndroidTV, and can pop up a live video stream that can be triggered by HA automation, although I have only tested it on a Google TV with Chromecast so your milage may very, but maybe give it a try:

Play Store link

Wiki for setting up

I hope someone finds it useful