I put everything on a breadboard for testing and added the sensor config to esphome, but it does not work. I have no idea if the esp config is wrong, the breadboard layout or if i used the wrong pin on the hardware.
how do you know what gpio config and esphome config you need for the PIR Sensor EKMC1603113? I can not find it in esphome documentation
In your wiring I see only two wires from the sensor.
You need VCC, GND and OUT.
Connect OUT to the nodemcu pin and check the power supply according to the sensor data sheet
Yeah, thats wierd.
I just connected mine last night, and also have the flickering in “detected/clear” But I have not tried to see what happens if i disconnect the “out”. Just figured it was due to 3.3v and not 5v. (will try both when I get home)