Pirate Weather forecast not showing Sunday?

I just noticed something that I haven’t seen before; Sunday (today) is missing from my weather forecast views, and Saturday still shows up. Maybe this is an issue with daylight savings? I’ll have to check it again next week…

type: custom:weather-card
entity_weather: weather.dark_sky
entity_sun: sun.sun
entity: weather.dark_sky
number_of_forecasts: '5'

I get my weather data from the pirateweather.net API.

Hi- apologies for never noticing this, I’m the maintainer of this integration, but don’t usually check for comments here. GitHub issues https://github.com/alexander0042/pirate-weather-ha/issues is typically a better spot to post any problem you run into.

That being said, did this issue resolve itself? It’s a really weird glitch, and I agree, daylight savings time is likely the culprit.

Yes, it did resolve once the transition from DST was over. I’ll bet this bug occurs only once per year…!

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Still a bit of a mystery. Keep an eye on it, and if it crops up again in the fall, it would be great if you could file a GitHub issue for it.

Thanks again for using this integration/ API, and feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] if anything else comes up.

Thanks, I will!