Place video or audio call from lovelace card

I’m working on setting up a (wifi-only) mounted tablet so my phone-less kids can have a way to adjust lights. I thought it would be a good place to give them a way to dial a few selected contacts. My ideal setup will involve them pushing one button (maybe with confirmation) which initiates a video- or audio-call with a contact.
My number is on Google Voice, I have an OBi200 (currently not hooked up), I could use Meet or Skype or Zoom or anything else. Being able to call 911 would be a bonus.
Does anyone have any pointers on where I’d start here? New to all this.

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Did you manage to do his - trying to do something similar

No, I never figured it out.

Please Home Assistant team, could we get some love on this one? Would this be possible with literally any video-calling service?

I am currently trying to accomplish the same thing! Anyone with an update for a solution? I will post if I find a solution…