Planning and setup - ESP32-S3 - 4848S040 - 480*480 IPS touchscreen

thanks. now is working

Please post your yaml properly.

I tried adding a background image, but the image covers all the labels and text, how can I position the image at the bottom without blocking the buttons and labels. I used the following example, please correct it.

There is a command in the docs, but I haven’t tried it:


What I have found through experimenting is that the objects are layered in their order in the pages.jsonl file. (NOT the “id”: number.)

In this first example, the larger button onject is in the jsonl file before the smaller label object.

  "page":3,"id":1,"obj":"btn","x":120,"y":0,"w":240,"h":240,"bg_color": "red","text":"This is Page 3","align":2,"value_font":22,"text_color":"gray","radius":0,"border_side":0
  "page":3,"id":2,"obj":"label","x":150,"y":200,"w":200,"h":100,"text":"#0000FF \uE64A# #FF0000 Hello# #FFFFFF world#!"

Resulting in:

In the second example, the smaller label is in the file before the larger button object, and thus covered:

  "page":3,"id":2,"obj":"label","x":150,"y":200,"w":200,"h":100,"text":"#0000FF \uE64A# #FF0000 Hello# #FFFFFF world#!"
  "page":3,"id":1,"obj":"btn","x":120,"y":0,"w":240,"h":240,"bg_color": "red","text":"This is Page 3","align":2,"value_font":22,"text_color":"gray","radius":0,"border_side":0


Where is this background gradient defined?

  "page":3,"id":1,"obj":"btn","x":120,"y":0,"w":240,"h":240,"bg_color": "red","text_color":"gray","text":"This is a big button","align":2,"value_font":22,"radius":0,"border_side":0


Found it:

thank you @stevemann

I’m really still a beginner, seeing a display like this, I feel amazed and enthusiastic about learning, where should I start to get a display like the one above. Thank you

you say In the folder “custom_templates” add a new file: openhasp.jinja. My question is where is the location of the “custom_templates” folder, is this folder created in the folder
/homeassistant/custom_components/openhasp ?Please enlighten me. Thank you

Just create it. It will be there if you have other custom templates defined. Otherwise, mkdir is your friend.

thank you i will try it

I’ve tried it but nothing changes with the display. Where is my error?

Just to be sure, the path the the file your created should be


my mine is :/homeassistant/custom_components/openhasp/custom_templates/openhasp.jinja

Wrong, assuming your configuration.yaml is in /home assistant, then the correct path is /homeassistant/custom_templates/openhasp.jinja.

I thought it was placed in the open hasp folder. OK, I’ll try again

here is my configuration.yaml:

    - "/config/openhasp"
      # SEITE 0
      - obj: "p0b0" # SETTINGS
          "bg_color" : "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('bg')}}"
      - obj: "p0b1" # PREVIOUS - BUTTON"
          "w": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.w(4)}}"
          "h": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.h(2)}}"
          "x": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.x(1)}}"
          "y": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.y(11)}}"
          "text": "\uE04D"
          "radius": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import grid %} {{(grid() | from_json).radius |int}}"
          "bg_color": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('primary')}}"
          "bg_color02": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('primary_light')}}"
      - obj: "p0b2" # HOME - BUTTON
          "w": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.w(4)}}"
          "h": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.h(2)}}"
          "x": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.x(5)}}"
          "y": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.y(11)}}"
          "text": "\uE6A1"
          "radius": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import grid %} {{(grid() | from_json).radius |int}}"
          "bg_color": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('primary')}}"
          "bg_color02": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('primary_light')}}"
      - obj: "p0b3" # NEXT - BUTTON
          "w": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.w(4)}}"
          "h": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.h(2)}}"
          "x": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.x(9)}}"
          "y": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.y(11)}}"
          "radius": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import grid %} {{(grid() | from_json).radius |int}}"
          "text": "\uE054"
          "bg_color": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('primary')}}"   
          "bg_color02": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('primary_light')}}"
      # SEITE 1
      - obj: "p1b0" # SETTINGS
          "bg_color" : "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import color %}{{color('bg')}}"
      - obj: "p1b2" # CONTAINER
          "w": "{% from 'openhasp.jinja' import grid %} {{(grid() | from_json).display_width}}"
          "h": "{% import 'openhasp.jinja' as grid %}{{grid.h(10)}}"
          "x": 0
          "y": 0     
  - binary_sensor:
    - name: Display settings
      unique_id: 1b3a3dae-fd0c-4f47-9c8b-5b680478a977 #
      state: "{{ now() - state_attr(this.attributes.update_automation | default('automation.update_display_data'), 'last_triggered') > timedelta(seconds=this.attributes.update_time | default(120) |int ) }}" # change the default automation entity_id from step 3 before
        seconds: 2
        update_automation: "automation.update_display_data" # add a the automation entity_id from step 3 before
        update_time: "80" # sending the config via mqtt needs some time to complete. This stops the automation from before sending config is finished
        display_w: "480"
        display_h: "480"
        grid_cols: "12" # increase for more resolution of object
        grid_rows: "12" # increase for more resolution of object
        grid_gutter: "8" # This looked nice for me
        grid_margin: "4" # This looked nice for me
        bg_color: "#000000"
        primary_color: "#4193d5"
        secondary_color: "#ee9f52"
        accent_color: "#A175C4"
        success_color: "#6cbe58"
        warning_color: "#d67430"
        error_color: "#e25628"
        radius: "4"              

Next, the location of openhasp.jinja is /homeassistant/custom_templates/openhasp.jinja. Then the location of page.jason is /homeassistant/openhasp/pages.json, but no display appears. please enlighten me.

The layout goes here: (under configuration) not at the display

Open your Home Assistant instance and show an integration.

I have tried it and the result is that only 1 button appears as shown in the attached picture. Here are the contents of the pages.jason file whose path is /config/openhasp/pages.json:

        "page": 1,
        "id": 0,
        "prev": 4
        "page": 0,
        "id": 1,
        "obj": "btn",
        "outline_opa": 0,
        "border_opa": 0,
        "text_font": 32,
        "toggle": false,
        "action": "prev"
    "SEITE 0 - HOME - BUTTON",
        "page": 0,
        "id": 2,
        "obj": "btn",
        "outline_opa": 0,
        "border_opa": 0,
        "text_font": 32,
        "toggle": false,
        "action": {
            "down": "back",
            "hold": "restart"
    "SEITE 0 - NEXT - BUTTON",
        "page": 0,
        "id": 3,
        "obj": "btn",
        "text": "\uE054",
        "outline_opa": 0,
        "border_opa": 0,
        "text_font": 32,
        "action": "next",
        "toggle": false
        "page": 1,
        "id": 2,
        "obj": "obj",
        "border_opa": 0,
        "bg_opa": 0,
        "click": 0

.please enlighten me

I am confused. Easily done since I am just learning to code openHasp.
Preferring to keep things simple, I have not ventured into using templates or other fancy programmer tools.

Can we rewind to the beginning? On a piece of paper, draw what you want to see on the screen. Post that here.