Planning and setup - ESP32-S3 - 4848S040 - 480*480 IPS touchscreen

Yes, you do.

To add to @nickrout’s comment. You would be so much better off learning OpenHasp now. It is a somewhat steep learning curve, but try, fail, then post your code here for assistance.

Since there are about 20 people in this thread, use quotes when you reply. This way we might understand to whom you are responding to.

Verify which display you are using?

@stevemann it’s the Tuya (golden Security T3E) with the 2.3 chipset. If anyone has a “ready to go” firmware it would be nice, but I’d still need it to connect it to Tuya as all others are and I really don’t have time unfortunately to learn everything from scratch again currently with my job and all…

@markusrd you rather rashly flashed openhasp firmware on your device, despite openhasp not being what you wanted, and despite you having downloaded it from a non Tuya site that is clearly nothing to do with Tuya, and which explains exactly what openhasp is.

I hope you manage to get the native firmware back on it, despite the fact I would personally never want Tuya anywhere near it. However we don’t peddle Tuya firmware here which is why I suggested asking the vendor or Tuya for the firmware. You haven’t responded to that suggestion as far as I can see.

Next time you flash firmware that you may regret, back up the old firmware first!

Sorry to sound harsh, but it’s like putting diesel in your petrol car and then expecting the service station that sold you the diesel to fix it.

Wait, hold on, you have more than one of these and you only flashed one with openhasp?

Back up the firmware from one of your others and flash the openhasp one with the backup.

@nickrout you didn’t sound harsh, that’s why I started with “i know I was stupid, but…”. But no, I don’t have other devices, just bought that specific one for a specific task in the home, and the page showing the update procedure mistakenly shows a Tuya 4 touch device screen instead of the regular GoldenSecurity simple and ugly interface. That mislead to thinking it was a software update for the device in my rush, not a complete other system (check the link I sent about the T3E 2.3 firmware and you’ll get my point ;(

I am a bit confused here. Did you successfully flash OpenHasp on your display?

Yes but he wants Tuya back again.

I realize that, but, he did ask for OpenHasp firmware.

no he didn’t, he installed it by mistake.

Back to absolute basics for questions about this unit.

Can someone post the back panel connections?

How is this thing powered? I don’t want to power this w mains voltage which is dangerous in the environment I’m looking at. DC 5v is my preference for safety.

Can I ditch one of the relays (in a 3 relay setup) and use it as an input for a DS18B20??? (Cut tracks etc)

Are the relays triggered by 5v?

Anyone run ESPhome on this yet? I don’t wanna rely on HA and would like this to run totally stand alone as a climate controller.

Line, neutral and 1 or 3 switched outputs.

Mains or USB-c

Yes there is another whole thread. GUITION 4" 480x480 ESP32-S3-4848S040 Smart Display with LVGL - #169 by kroonen

Pretty sure there are other GPIOs available, but yes you could, the device is in two parts, the front panel which has the screen, the processor were, and a separate mains part with the relays. They are joined by a standard 8 pin connector.

I’ll take some photos tomorrow. In bed at present.

There are some photos here. Any chance we can it work for another esp32-s3 GT911 touch display (ESP32-4848S040) · Issue #603 · HASwitchPlate/openHASP · GitHub

Also I have just taken a pic, will post shortly.

The 8 way connector has 5v, gnd (2x), rx, tx and L1, L2 and L3 - the latter 3 driving the 3 relays when the boards are connected.

There are also in the front (screen) circuit has three headers, the white things around the edge. One is two pole, marked BAT, presumably battery.

One is two pole, labeled speak. One is four pole with gnd, 5v, rx and tx.

Here is the pic I just took

This thread is about completely different device. Please start a new thread, or ask in the more general openhasp topic. openHASP: An MQTT driven Touchscreen / Scene controller

Hi there,

I’m following the procedure to make my plate work. I succesfully did the first part with the openHasp exemple, but when I try to use the jinja template etc I don’t understand everything. (And the result isn’t there.)

My main question is : what is the plate.json script that you mention ? Where should I put it ? it’s not a jsonl file so it’s not in the plate, it’s not a pages.jsonl so it’s not the main config page of the plate either, nor it can be set as the default json file for the plate in the integration (I have an error whenn I try to add a json file in it)… So I’m quite lost…

Any help ?

Where is plate.json mentioned? I don’t see it anywhere in this thread.

Here is where you define your display.
In my configuration.yaml I have this line:

template: !include templates.yaml

And in my templates.yaml file I have this:

#---------- OpenHASP ----------#
- binary_sensor:
  - name: Display settings
    unique_id: ba031c34-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-ebd44cb8750f #
    state: "{{ now() - state_attr(this.attributes.update_automation | default('automation.update_display_data'), 'last_triggered') > timedelta(seconds=this.attributes.update_time | default(120) |int ) }}" # change the default automation entity_id from step 3 before
      seconds: 2
      update_automation: "automation.update_display_data"
      update_time: "80" # sending the config via mqtt needs some time to complete. This stops the automation from before sending config is finished
      display_w: "480"
      display_h: "480"
      bg_color: "#000000"  #Black
      primary_color: "#4193d5" #Moderate Blue
      secondary_color: "#ee9f52"  #Soft orange
      accent_color: "#A175C4" #Slightly desaturated violet
      success_color: "#6cbe58" #Moderate lime green
      warning_color: "#d67430" #Strong orange
      error_color: "#e25628" #Bright red
      radius: "4"

Gotta’ love !include files. Otherwise my configuration.yaml would be hundreds of lines.

This is the interface between your “buttons” on OpenHasp and Home Assistant entities. This file goes into your Home Assistant configuration folder.
Here is an example:

# OpenHasp is a customizable touchscreen UI, connected via MQTT.
# Page number 0 refers to an object visible on all pages.
# An id of 0 refers to the page itself instead of an object.
  #####---------- Plate1-Page0 ----------#####
    - obj: "p0b4"
        "text": '{{ states("number.plate_page_number") }}'
    - obj: "p0b5"
        "text": "{{ states('sensor.time') }}"
  ##### -------------------- Plate1-Page1 -------------------- #####   
    # RSSI Value
    - obj: "p1b5"
        "text": '{{ states.openhasp.plate.attributes.rssi }}'

    # Light button
    - obj: "p1b2"  # light-switch toggle button
        "val": '{{ 1 if states("light.officelight_light") == "on" else 0 }}'
        "text": '{{ "\uE6E8" if is_state("light.officelight_light", "on") else "\uE335" | e }}'
          - service: homeassistant.toggle
            entity_id: "light.officelight_light"
    # Outside temperature            
    - obj: "p1b11"
        "text": '{{ states("sensor.openweathermap_temperature") | round }}°'

    # Upstairs temperature            
    - obj: "p1b13"
        "text": '{{ states("sensor.climate_upstairs_temperature") }}°'

    # Downstairs temperature            
    - obj: "p1b17"
        "text": '{{ states("sensor.climate_downstairs_temperature") }}°'

    # Basement temperature            
    - obj: "p1b15"
        "text": '{{ states("sensor.smart_hygrometer_020f_temperature") | round(0) }}°'


This is the file where you define the “buttons” on your screen. (Every object is a “button” defined like: "page":1,). "id":1,
In openhasp.yaml you would refer to this object as p1b1.
The pages.jsonl file gets uploaded to the panel through the File Editor:

There is probably already a pages.jsonl file there. You can optionally save it for future reference, but you just replace it with your pages.jsonl file.

Hi, thanks for the quick answer.

I was talking about the second post :

I’ll give a look at your files and try playing with it. Thanks for the explanations. At least it shows I have understood the way it’s meant to work.

I’ll let you know, TY

I’m still not finding the plate.json reference.

I did add my templates.yaml file to my post above.

Edit : Ok I made progress : to translate with more details for others :

  1. create the openHASP.yaml in your config folder (where configuration.yaml is)
  2. copy and paste the code above in it
  3. in the configuration.yaml : add the following line :
openhasp: !include openHASP.yaml
  1. reload yaml configuration in HA.
  2. in the openHASP file editor (in your plate), copy/paste the code to have buttons at the bottom (if you want to) :
  "comment":"-------------------- Navigation --------------------",
  "comment":" ----- Previous Page",
  "action":{"down": "page prev"},
  "comment":"----- Home Page",
  "action":{"down": "page back"},
  "comment":"----- Next Page",
  "action":{"down": "page next"},
  "comment":"----- Page Number",

Then use the model to create the missing objects listed in the openHASP.yaml. For example :

  "comment":"----- Time",

This is related to the following yaml code :

 - obj: "p0b5"
        "text": "{{ states('sensor.date_time') }}"

I didn’t have the time/date entity configured in my HA ( a quick search give you the ability to create it easily.)
For the rest, tkae inspiration from the default buttons in the openHASP example on their website. Like for a button toggle switch :

  "comment":"----- bouton1",

it’s the same thing as on a single line like in the openHASP example.

Here is where I am right now :

Is there templates of pages.jsonl files listed somewhere to ease the task ? (I bet on theopenHASP website, i’ll give a look…)

I doubt it. I also doubt that there any two pages.jsonl alike.

So, experiment with it. There are lots of example jsonl code in the OpenHasp site. Do it on Page1 or Page2- you already have the navigation buttons- and you can’t hurt anything.

Also, one frustration of writing the jsonl code is that there is no feedback when you make an error. Just- nothing works. I wrote an openhasp-preprocessor that tries to spot any errors in your pages code. It’s not well documented and it is my first ever python script, but it does make writing the jsonl code easier.

  • This Python script allows you to manage each page of an OpenHASP display in separate .src files.
  • The script also looks for possible errors that would prevent your page from loading into the panel.
  • Managing page files is enhanced with comments and variables substitutions.

Here is a list of errors that my preprocessor catches:

  1. Duplicate page:id values
  2. Duplicate pages.ini variable names
  3. Last line inside block does not have an even number of quotes
  4. Last line inside block ends with a comma
  5. Line inside block does not end with a comma
  6. Block does not have an even number of quotes
  7. Line is not inside a data block
  8. The source directory does not exist
  9. Unmatched closing brace (no opening brace)
  10. Unmatched opening brace (no closing brace)

There are two other utilities in the git: expand and compress.
Expand expands pages.jsonl lines that are all on one line (geek mode) into human readable. Compress goes the other way.

Check it out and let me know if it helps.
As I said, experiment.

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