Planning to revive my Nabaztag and control it via HA

Hi there guys,
did anyone of you owning an old Nabaztag ever tryed to use it with Home Assistant?

I found a serverless firmware which let’s you connect to the Nabaztag using HTTP requests like:

curl http://nabaztag/wakeup

I just have to find out where is the power supply of my smart rabbit and then I’ll try to upload the new firmware.

Yeah, I’ve think about it many times, but the Italian voice that randomly say something is so beautiful… And thinking about develop a scheduler to tell hours or weather is so frustrating…

Here you can find all the mp3 files for every language, Italian too:

(ma non funziona più il servizio on line dei nabaztag vero? Se non sbaglio era morto anni fa…)

Yes, I see that somewhere there’s the audio files to download… But…
And yes, the Violet server was closed few years ago, but there’s lot of community that has implemented its server, mine is, but don’t know how long they can survive… Sigh.
My idea was to use the serverless firmware and send commands via cron or via Hass events… But it Is one-way communication, so I’m looking to full voice control methods instead.
Will follow you to see if you implement something interesting :slight_smile:

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Ok, just the first steps but… IT’S ALIVE!!!