I saw some discussion on Discord, and [https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/blob/dev/homeassistant/components/cloud/init.py#L1](some code) hints at a Home Assistant Cloud solution. Is there any official information or discussion about the plans for this?
Personally, I would be happy to contribute a bit, but I hope the project stays open-source and free for the current usage scenarios. Support for Google Assistant, SSL, push notifications and so on would be very nice to be able to buy.
They’ll probably do what openhab did. It’s basically just a service you can run on your own server if you want to that makes a persistent connection to the internal HA service. That’s what the code indicates anyway. I can’t imagine it’s not open source but it would be smart of them to offer a paid service where they are hosting everything for you since a lot of people probably don’t want to deal with that.
As is it looks like it handles normal HA commands and alexa
def async_handle_message(hass, cloud, handler_name, payload):
"""Handle incoming IoT message."""
handler = HANDLERS.get(handler_name)
if handler is None:
raise UnknownHandler()
return (yield from handler(hass, cloud, payload))
def async_handle_alexa(hass, cloud, payload):
"""Handle an incoming IoT message for Alexa."""
return (yield from smart_home.async_handle_message(hass,
I agree, but I would like to hear more about the strategy for the future.