Plant sensors - alternative for Xiaomi

Hi :slight_smile:

I am using a couple of the Xiaomi plant sensors already, but now I am searching for some alternative ones.

The reson:
I do have some Bonsai - and the pots they are in are very shallow.
The Xiaomi Sensor is too big for those.

They are working, but I would prefer some sensors with smaller pcb

here’s an image, how they are looking in such a bonsai pot…

Any Idea?

Does anyone know, if the FYTA Sensors are working with HA?
They could be interesting…

I am curious about these as well, did you end up trying them?

Yes, I bought some for Testing, since an official Integration came to the core for them.

They are OK - but compared to the ble Sensors pretty expensive and need an additional hub.

They are Cloud based… And they are not fully compatible with my other plant Integration.

They could be used for some edge cases for Sure, but If you need a lot of Sensors, I would go with the Xiaomi.

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