Plant soil monitoring

I am not the developer, i used all info from here

Cost of a sensor including battery and plastic case 16USD. Search this on aliexpress " LILYGO®TTGO T-Higrow ESP32 WiFi And Bluetooth Battery And DHT11 Soil Temperature And Humidity Photometric Electrolyte Sensor"

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Wondering you can help, I have been pulling my hair out trying to get the sensors working.

I can listen to the mqtt topic which produces:

    "mqtt": {
        "mqtt": "246f28b20e20",
        "sensorname": "plant1",
        "date": "22-10",
        "time": "11:54",
        "sleep5Count": 0,
        "bootCount": 0,
        "lux": 8.333333,
        "temp": 25.7,
        "humid": 57,
        "soil": 65535,
        "salt": 0,
        "saltadvice": "needed",
        "bat": 100,
        "batcharge": "charging",
        "battvolt": 2679,
        "battvoltage": 4.749582,
        "wifissid": "Haloooch",
        "rel": "3.0.5"

Note this is slightly different format from the BeardedTinker video and instructions, guessing there have been some changes to the TTGO-HiGrow-mqtt-master-mac-id-autodisc.ino file.

I have the following for the sensor:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Plant1_salt_1"
  state_topic: "mqtt/246f28b20e20"
  unit_of_measurement: 'q'
  value_template: "{{ value_json.salt }}"
  icon: mdi:bottle-tonic

When looking in developer tools I see the sensor by the value is blank:

Having the same issue for all the other sensors, just using ‘salt’ as an example.

Always the same, I post asking for help and 2mins later work it out! Turns out the value_template was wrong. Should have been:

value_template: "{{ value_json.mqtt.salt }}"

i am making similar with LoRaWAN too, all works up to The Things Network but so far i could not fetch the data from Home Assistant. I will post a question separately as its LoRaWAN topic, not WIFI

HI, any idea on the meaning of the following values

what is the unit_of_measurement?


looks like i use an earlier firmware, i dont have these parameters