Platform homeassistant assign ID to attributes

I am bringing in from a Generic Thermostat from HA, and I want to use 2 values.

You can now use attributes in ESP Home, but how do you assign an ID to each so I can use those values withing ESP Home


  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Util Temp Sensor"
    entity_id: climate.downstairs_utility
    attribute: temperature
    id: util_temp_target
    attribute: current_temperature
    id: util_room_temp

This throws up an error as Duplicate key “attribute”

Regards Dave

You can try this:


  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Util Temp Sensor Target"
    entity_id: climate.downstairs_utility
    attribute: temperature
    id: util_temp_target

  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Util Temp Sensor Room"
    entity_id: climate.downstairs_utility
    attribute: current_temperature
    id: util_room_temp

Thanks for the reply, yes I will do that.

Regards Dave