Platform not found:

Your indentation is way off

  - platform: bom
    station: IDT60901.94970
    name: Hobar
      - apparent_t
      - gust_kt
      - air_temp

yep… let me get used to this …repost coming…

  - platform: bom
    station: IDT60901.94970
    name: Hobart
    - apparent_t
    - gust_kt
    - air_temp

Still bad indenting. See Tom’s post above.

  - platform: bom
    station: IDT60901.94970
    name: Hobart
      - apparent_t
      - gust_kt
      - air_temp

Still no go , I believe spacing is right now…anyway at least i got to learn how to post code…thanks for being patient …

Hi All,
frustrated by this , I have checked syntax , spacing etc but still get the “Invalid Config . The following components and Platforms could not be setup bom.sensor Check your config”
My setup does include several sensors , automations , scripts and cameras that I have had no problem with but this one I can not see why … Prior to version 92.0 I did have the bom sensor working .

Hey mate,

Unless you are doing something fancy with splitting your config, make sure all your ‘sensors’ are lumped together, for example

  - platform: bom
    station: IDT60901.94970
    name: Hobart
      - apparent_t
      - gust_kt
      - air_temp
  - platform: scrape
    select: ".current-version h1"

Hi Brendan , thanks for the reply. Yep aware of that , have grouped all together . Also just added this. Is like it doesn’t like the bom .

  - platform: bom
    station: IDW60901.94610

What is the exact error message you receive when running the config check?

Hey Tom, No error when running config check but in notifications says the following…

Invalid Config .
The following components and Platforms could not be setup bom.sensor

Check your config

And you’ve checked you’re on HA v0.92.1 on the system page (just because you updated does not mean it worked - it can roll back if there’s a problem).

Yep first thing I check after an update… 0.92.1

Then I’m out of ideas. Sorry.

Thanks for the advice and help anyway…


Have you checked there is no custom component for the BOM still lurking in your folders

Yes double checked that . Got another RPI , will do a clean install on that and see what happens…

Is there any more information on the error in your home-assistant.log?

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I’ll add to say that bumping up the logging level may give more info.

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