Platform not found - Plex_recently_added

I am sure this is my error somehow but on one of the latest updates I have started to have errors and cannot restart HA due to platforms showing as not found.

One such issue is:

Platform error sensor.plex_recently_added - Integration ‘plex_recently_added’ not found.

I commented it out, deleted the custom component, readded the newest version, restarted, but still get the error.

Here is my code:

  - platform: plex_recently_added
    token: xxx
    port: 32400

and the files I need are in config/custom_components/plex_recently_added

Across the board I have the same error for:
sensor.plex recently added

Edit: ignore all this and check you have the latest version.

None of these custom integrations have had their manifest file updated to include version information. So they have stopped working with the 2021.6 HA update. See

The developers of these custom integrations have had since the 29th of January to add this information.

You should raise an issue with each of the custom integration developers.

You can of course add this information yourself to get the integrations working, but as they seem to be poorly maintained you might want to start looking for alternative solutions.

Anyway, lets use the pelx_recently_added integration as an example:

Go to config/custom_components/plex_recently_added and open the file manifest.json with a text editor.

Inside you will see this:

    "domain": "plex_recently_added",
    "name": "Plex Recently Added",
    "version": "0.3.7",
    "documentation": "",
    "dependencies": [],
    "codeowners": ["@maykar"],
    "requirements": []

Add a comma after the requirements value and add a version key and value below it, like this:

    "domain": "plex_recently_added",
    "name": "Plex Recently Added",
    "version": "0.3.7",
    "documentation": "",
    "dependencies": [],
    "codeowners": ["@maykar"],
    "requirements": [],
    "version: "1.2.3"

The version can be any "x.y.z" value composed of numbers. Save the file. Do the same for the other custom integrations you listed then restart home assistant.

Duplicate version keys in the same file can/will cause issues, do not add a version key if one already exist like in the manifest for plex_recently_added

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I already checked the repository, it does not.

But it’s there in your post?

Both under “name” and now also under “requirements”

And on line 4 in that link

Oh. Crap. I missed that.

I didn’t think Maykar would be that slack.

Well it’s another issue then.

Check your Configuration / Lovelace Dashboards / Resources contains a the required resource for each integration.

Could be that the user has an older version of the integration that was made before the version key was added to it, so it’s worth checking anyway, just don’t add duplicate keys to it :smiley:

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I’ve been spoiled by alphabetically sorted json keys. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

On this, I wonder if that is the issue I have no reference to the resources like I would say for a custom card?

There is nothing in the docs that say I need to quote the resource though?

Yeah the resources are only for custom cards, not integrations.

Wonder what the problem is then. Destination folder is right. It’s the latest version (about 4 months ago one file shows)

I deleted it, readded it, commented it out so I could restart. Restarted, uncommented and got same error.

Still getting the same problem. Does no one else have this issue?


I had both the radarr and plex recently added installed, but not working. I decided to remove them. Restart and then readd them though hacs and now cant restart due to this error

not restart because the configuration is not valid: Platform error sensor.plex_recently_added - Integration ‘plex_recently_added’ not found. Platform error sensor.radarr_upcoming_media - Integration ‘radarr_upcoming_media’ not found.


Remove any references from your config.yaml then restart.

that fixed it for me