Hi there,
I read the architecture documentation but there are a lot of overlaps and fuzzy things between components, platforms, devices, entities and domains. I am confused ;D
one problem: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/homematic/ tells to set temperatures this way:
service: homematic.set_device_value
address: LEQ1234567
channel: 4
value: 23.0
the entity in question has the domain climate so I guess the service exposed by the climate component (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/climate/) works too
- service: climate.set_temperature
entity_id: climate.kitchen
temperature: 24
operation_mode: Heat
Is the platform just an implementation that overrides the component one? How does a component service know how to handle arbitrary entities? should the domain always be the component name?
The other problem I have is a script that will POST new states via http. The entity that will be changed is a humidity sensor. Where can I find attribute definitions of different entities? Or a list of all entities? Is the component/domain of this sensor important or should it go to sensors or climate? What attribute defines the group the entity is in and which one the kind of entity?
Sorry for posing that many questions. I hope there are a lot of simple answers to it.