Platform: systemmonitor

Hoping that my question is in the correct section

Running HA supervisor under Debian and Docker

This morning had a core update to do to, version 2024.1.0

I gave me a warning telling me that systemmonitor was no longer supported and had to be deleted from my config yaml before restarting HA, now firstly I have nothing about systemmonitor in my config yaml, but I do have a /homeassistant/sensors.yaml

So I modified all inside this as shown below by commenting out everything

HA restarted correctly so did I do it correctly ?, if so can I / Should I delete this yaml as have seen nothing about this problem in the forums or elsewhere

Would appreciate any help in clearing this up for me

-# - platform: systemmonitor
-# resources:
-# - type: disk_use_percent
-# arg: /home
-# - type: memory_use_percent
-# - type: swap_use_percent
-# - type: processor_use
-# - type: last_boot–# - type: processor_temperature

I have done the same…

#- platform: systemmonitor
#  resources:
#    - type: processor_use
#    - type: disk_use_percent
#      arg: "/"
#    - type: disk_free
#      arg: "/"
#    - type: memory_use_percent
#    - type: network_in
#      arg: end0
#    - type: throughput_network_in
#      arg: end0
#    - type: network_out
#      arg: end0
#    - type: throughput_network_out
#      arg: end0
#    - type: processor_temperature
#    - type: last_boot

And all entites still exist… and all cards continue to show correct info.

In macOS no sensors anymore…

There is the ‘System Monitor’ integration which gives all the sensors.

Changed from YAML config to UI config in the 2024.1 update:


same here,
however, would love some more explanation on enabling the needed sensors in the new integration.
it seemed straightforward, but the sensors i though i was adding are not behaving as the old ones (as far as i can tell so far)



The new system monitor does not appear to like mounted NAS.

I have a samba share mount to my NAS (I have two - one is for the backups and the other for a general share).

The new integration loaded but failed to bring up all the entities correctly, with nothing showing in the integration settings. Error in the logs as per this post

BlockingIOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable: ‘/share/NAS’

Solution - delete the NSA mount and reboot.

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Same here. Just updated and had to delete systemmonitor from my sensors.yaml.
Sensors are still showing through de UI integrations. so eveything looks to be OK.

(NUC with Hassio in Proxmox as VM)

Thank you. Removing my NAS shares fixed the system monitor for me. I never got the shares working properly anyway.

the system monitor service is WAS not running correctly on my main system.

not sure i understand how the smb shares are in the way, as i have a testing HA on a proxmox VM, with smb shares that works flawlessly.

having said that, deleting the shares - did fix it…


Hi, have just loaded in System Monitor through Integration (on HA Green), but as newbie lost what to do next? When I go to configure it I get:

Screenshot 2024-01-20 141159


Likely because of virtualization, sensors not popping up:

If no hardware sensor data is available (e.g., because the integration runs in a virtualized environment), the sensor entity will not be created.

Edit: There are 85 sensors which initially are all disabled. Go to Settings > System Monitor > Click on “85 Entities” > Enable the one you desire

In my case the CPU Load is constantly at 8% (never going higher or below), the memory (8GB) between 40% and 50%, disk usage is very low.
and all 3 dashboards became very slow - 50s to load compaired to 3s in the past.
Once a dashboard is loaded, it is very fast with all the subpages.
I have already removed the resently added cards without any change.
Is there any way to find out, what exactly is eating up the time?

I could not find the reason, but a simple reboot solved it.