Platinum Weather Card support

Sorry to be a pain, I’m still struggling. I think there might be something wrong with the way that the weather integration is defined as the dev_… entities are showing as unavailable.

Any thoughts on where I should be looking?

Can you show me the definition you put in the configuration.yaml file?

I copied what you sent. Can’t see that text files cab be attached so I hope the screen grabs are ok

Ok, you can’t use the example of definitions I showed you directly, you must adapt them according to your environment. Mainly for the sensor.previsions_meteorologiques_journaliere entity. You must replace it with an entity that you have in your environment. Normally this entity starts with weather.xxxx.xx and it contains the forecasts.

Here is an example I have in my HA.

Thanks, I tried that but was getting similar results. I will try again. Thanks for all this.

Did you restart home assistant after modifying the entities?

Love the card, but I can’t find one thing anywhere. Does this card let you add custom name / title to your custom entity?

It seems to me that custom entities display only icons, values and units.

I’m really happy with this card, and I may have missed it, but are there plans to have the card take advantage of the new mechanism for dealing with weather forecasts (which are retrieved as a service rather than as a template of a weather entity)? I think the old template mechanism will be retired in a few months.

There is a request for this on the card’s github issues, but no timeframe identified.

This may have been raised already but the current wind conditions only shows in kmh.
Is it possible to get this to show in mph as that is the unit in my HA

I am unable to find this in HACS… any thoughts?

Are you searching under ‘frontend’ in HACS? I downloaded it a couple of days ago from there with no problems.

I don’t have that category… wtf?

K, good to go now thx for the heads up…

Is it possible to use alternative icons at night time with this card? As an example, it’s partly cloudy currently, but the icon has the sun and clouds showing, the same as during daytime, but it’s 9:40pm. Im using Openweathermap if it makes any difference.

Hi there. I’ve only just set up the card this evening. Generally everything is going ok however I can’t get the icons to show. I only get blank or image errors.

Any ideas where the best place to start diagnosing is? I’m relatively new to HA.

Anyone got any ideas? I’m using the Bureau of Meterrology integration to get the data and feeding the card:

I can’t see what else would be causing the icons to not show up.

Sorry can only post one pic.

I am relatively new to Home Assistant. I have just installed the Platinum Weather Card and it looks great! The one issue I am having is the display of the icon at the top that shows the current weather. Instead of the icon it just shows an exclamation mark icon with mdi:weather-sunny underneath it. Refer below:

Any ideas of the issue?

Thank you all in advance.

Take a look at your configuration (in YAML) and see if it has something like entity_forecast_icon: weather.my_weather