Platinum Weather Card support

But that has NOTHING to do with the card. That is the sensor entity and has nothing to do with yaml it’s the entity configuration
Settings>devices and services>entities.
Does that carry over to the card?

Seriously, just read the conversation and you will see that ALL of this was said. I have no idea why you are arguing with me about this.

I’m really, really adverse to setting up template sensors for what will end up being 40+ entities just to eliminate some (albeit annoying) insignificant decimals.

So, while yes, the weather integration determines how precise each sensor is, if I’m not mistaken it’s possible within some cards to round or truncate numerical entities to a defined number of digits or decimals. So that’s what I was asking. In the meantime, I was getting some incredible support from the weather integration developer who put out a beta for me to try. My precip entities are now displaying two decimal places, which is still too much but a vast visual improvement over 11.

For what it’s worth, yes, you can set the precision in the entity settings UI, but it has no effect on how the sensor is displayed in the card. I tried that.

Ultimately, what I needed could be handled by the Lovelace card, but no one’s touched it in 2 years. I have a workable solution until/if/when the card developer chooses to address it.

I suggest putting in a Feature Request on the card’s Github. I think the only reason it hasn’t been modified in 2 years is because nothing is broken.

I may. I’m good with the fix I have now. I put in a Feature Request with the source of the weather data and got the support I’d hoped for.

…and, I don’t know if you’ve checked the Issues page of that git, but there are a bunch of unresolved bugs, many from the last year.

The latest release (v1.4.4) fixes the rounding for sensors in non-metric units.


Found a strange issue here - I’m using the BoM integration to pull my sensor data, which works fine. I’m a fisho, so use knots rather than km/h for wind speed and gust, but irrespective of the sensor I use, it shows wind speed in km/h.

The value is correct (i.e. it shows the knots wind speed), but the units are being displayed on the card as in km/h

Any pointers?

I don’t use BoM integration, so not sure about it per se…but if you are referring to the “slots” and have it configured for “Current Wind Conditions”, then yeah it looks like the code won’t work for knots, but if you have it instead configured for “Current Wind Conditions kt”, then you should be able to configure the “Entity Wind Speed/Gust kt” to point to your BoM wind sensor.

that was it - thanks, then have to change the slots to point to knots for the data itself

Have the same issue as you. Any solution or workaround?

Looking at the code, the units for wind speed its a bit hardcoded that way…

If you have an individual sensor for the wind speed, then a possible work around would be to try a “custom” configuration:
For the slot, in the UI change it to “Custom entity 1”, then scroll down and you should see “Custom 1 xxx”. For Custom 1 value, set it to the sensor entity, then for Custom 1 icon, set it to mdi:weather-windy, and for the Custom 1 units, set it to m/s

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Thanks! Works perfect :star_struck:

Hi installed the card and everything is working perfect, except in de H.A app on my phone.
Get the error "Custom element doesn’t exist: Platium-weather-card.

Does anyone know how to fix that?

After 20 hours it is now working, didn’t change anything ??

Weathercard stops working here, after update to 2024.4 and update mushroom cards.
I’m I the only one?

The problem is the combination with accuweather.

The card is working fine for me on 2024.4.0

I’m not using AccuWeather but I do have Mushroom Cards.

Even for me

Core 2024.4.0
Frontend 20240403.1

Not using Accuweather but using Mushroom cards

Same problem with 2024.4.0. The platinum weather card just simply disappeared.
I am using accuWeather, and I don’t think it’s related, this integration still works fine and report the weather forecast.

One possible thing to be aware of, is that it looks like the [2024.4] is the release that removed the forecast attribute from all the weather integrations, so if you were configuring PWC with weather.xxxx for any type of forecast data, then that configuration will no longer work.

Thanks Tommy - my card also stop working. I had a look at the YAML and could be see what to change given the below noted as the breaking change you refered to.

Perhaps PWC will be updated to cater for this.

“The previously deprecated forecast attribute of weather entities, has now been removed. Use the weather.get_forecasts service to get the forecast data instead.”