Platinum Weather Card support

After actully getting this setup, after I save the card, it doesn’t actually show. If i go back to to edit it, the preview on the right is blank.

Then something is wrong with the setup. Unfortunately without any more info, it’s hard to say what. Could you tell us a bit about the weather provider you are using and perhaps some screenshots of the various setting screens?

Here is the code for the card after my customizations:

card_config_version: 8
entity_apparent_temp: sensor.home_realfeel_temperature
entity_forecast_icon: weather.home_2
entity_humidity: weather.home_2
entity_pop: weather.home_2
entity_pos: weather.home_2
entity_summary: weather.home_2
entity_sun: sun.sun
entity_temperature: weather.home_2
entity_uv_alert_summary: sensor.home_uv_index
  - overview
  - extended
  - slots
  - daily_forecast
show_section_daily_forecast: false
show_section_extended: false
slot_l1: pop
slot_l2: uv_summary
slot_l3: sun_next
slot_l4: remove
slot_l5: remove
slot_l6: remove
slot_l7: remove
slot_l8: remove
slot_r1: popforecast
slot_r2: humidity
slot_r3: sun_following
slot_r4: remove
slot_r5: remove
slot_r6: remove
slot_r7: remove
slot_r8: remove
type: custom:platinum-weather-card

I was using weather.home_2 for precipitation which caused the entire card to go blank. If i switched it to sensor.home_precipitation it showed correctly. I am using the Accuweather integration.

Your use of weather.home_2 looks wrong. Each entity should be a different sensor.

Some of my config:

card_config_version: 8
daily_extended_forecast_days: 7
daily_forecast_days: 7
daily_forecast_layout: horizontal
entity_apparent_temp: sensor.sydney_olympic_park_temp_feels_like
entity_extended: sensor.pymble_extended_text_0
entity_fire_danger: sensor.pymble_fire_danger_0
entity_forecast_icon: sensor.pymble_icon_descriptor_0
entity_forecast_icon_1: sensor.pymble_icon_descriptor_1
entity_forecast_max: sensor.bom_today_max
entity_forecast_max_1: sensor.pymble_temp_max_1
entity_forecast_min: sensor.bom_today_min
entity_forecast_min_1: sensor.pymble_temp_min_1
entity_humidity: sensor.sydney_olympic_park_humidity
entity_pop: sensor.pymble_rain_chance_0
entity_pop_1: sensor.pymble_rain_chance_1

No. Not if you are using the weather entity. The card is smart enough to get the correct attributes

ah - I take it back then.

Was this enough information or should I provide something else?

Try the new version 1.0.4. I expect the card will provide info about some additional config error(s) after the update.

Hi guys. Is it possible to configure this card to not round temperature? E.g. display 0.4°C and not 0 °C instead?

Clear cache worked for me.

Yes its a config option

I updated this but I did not see any config errors. It still produced a blank card if I chose my weather.home_2 entity

Make sure you have cleared your cache after the update. If that doesn’t work, please create an issue on the repo so I can gather all the info in one place.

Can someone please explain how to configure the forecast in YAML? Or just provide a sample YAML configuration (which is really missing on the Github page). Thank you!

Ok. Figured out the config in YAML myself. If anyone is interested, I can share the code. However, I still have a problem with the placement of the large weather icon in the overview section. Is there any way to adjust the placement so that the icon is a bit higher? I was using the BOM weather card and that one had a parameter for adjusting the placement of the large icon. However, with the platinum weather card this parameter no longer works. Any help would be appreciated!

I’m interested, mine in yaml is still missing stuff.

Here is my YAML code:

    - type: custom:platinum-weather-card
      option_locale: 'de'
        - overview
        - slots
        - daily_forecast
      show_section_extended: false
    #  show_section_slots: false
      overview_layout: complete
      entity_forecast_icon: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_temperature: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_humidity: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_apparent_temp: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
      entity_wind_bearing: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_wind_speed: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_pressure: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_uv_alert_summary: sensor.dark_sky_uv_index
      entity_pop: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_pos: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_sun: sun.sun
      slot_l1: popforecast
      slot_l2: sun_next
      slot_l3: remove
      slot_l4: remove
      slot_l5: remove
      slot_r1: humidity
      slot_r2: sun_following
      slot_r3: remove
      slot_r4: remove
      slot_r5: remove
      entity_forecast_max_1: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_forecast_icon_1: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_forecast_min_1: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_pop_1: weather.dwd_weather_langen
      entity_pos_1: weather.dwd_weather_langen
        style: |
          .overview-top {
            margin-top: 3px;
            margin-bottom: -25px;
            padding-right: 25px;
          .slot-section {
          margin-top: -5px;
          padding-left: 40px;

Here are my card settings and configuration.yaml, which are currently working but wasn’t earlier this week:

card_config_version: 8
daily_forecast_days: 4
daily_forecast_layout: horizontal
entity_apparent_temp: sensor.openweathermap_feels_like_temperature
entity_forecast_icon: weather.openweathermap
entity_forecast_icon_1: sensor.nws_forecast_icon_1
entity_forecast_max: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_temperature
entity_forecast_max_1: sensor.nws_forecast_high_temp_1
entity_forecast_min: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_temperature_low
entity_forecast_min_1: sensor.nws_forecast_low_temp_1
entity_humidity: sensor.openweathermap_humidity
entity_pop_1: sensor.nws_rain_chance_1
entity_pos: sensor.nws_rain_amount_today
entity_summary_1: sensor.nws_summary_1
entity_sun: sun.sun
entity_temperature: sensor.jewell_air_temperature
entity_uv_alert_summary: sensor.openweathermap_uv_index
entity_wind_speed: sensor.openweathermap_wind_speed
option_time_format: 12hour
option_tooltips: true
  - overview
  - extended
  - slots
  - daily_forecast
show_section_daily_forecast: true
show_section_extended: false
show_section_overview: true
show_section_slots: true
slot_l1: forecast_max
slot_l2: forecast_min
slot_l3: wind
slot_l4: remove
slot_l5: sun_next
slot_l6: remove
slot_l7: remove
slot_l8: remove
slot_r1: popforecast
slot_r2: humidity
slot_r3: uv_summary
slot_r4: remove
slot_r5: sun_following
slot_r6: remove
slot_r7: remove
slot_r8: remove
text_card_title: Hillsborough, CA
type: custom:platinum-weather-card

I just noticed your post. The NWS API was spotty at the end of December, but it’s been working reasonably well since. There are still issues, but they’re getting attention. Have you been able to get it working?

FYI, I’ve posted a minor revision to my original sensor template file.

FYI: Here’s my current configuration:

card_config_version: 8
daily_extended forecast days: 5
daily_forecast_days: 5
daily_forecast_layout: horizontal
entity_apparent_temp: sensor.kbwi_feels_like_temperature
entity_extended: sensor.summary_0
entity_forecast_icon: weather.kbwi_daynight
entity_forecast_icon_1: sensor.nws_forecast_icon_1
entity_forecast_max: sensor.maxtempdaily
entity_forecast_max_1: sensor.nws_forecast_high_temp_1
entity_forecast_min: sensor.nws_daytime_low
entity_forecast_min_1: sensor.nws_forecast_low_temp_1
entity_humidity: sensor.kbwi_relative_humidity
entity_pop: sensor.nws_rain_chance_0
entity_pop_1: sensor.nws_rain_chance_1
entity_pressure: sensor.kbwi_sea_level_pressure
entity_summary: sensor.nws_short_forecast_0
entity_summary_1: sensor.nws_summary_1
entity_sun: sun.sun
entity_temperature: sensor.kbwi_temperature
entity_update_time: sensor.datetime_0
entity_visibility: sensor.kbwi_visibility
entity_wind_bearing: sensor.kbwi_wind_direction
entity_wind_gust: sensor.nws_wind_gust
entity_wind_speed: sensor.kbwi_wind_speed
extended_name_attr: detailed_forecast
extended_use_attr: true
option_color_fire_danger: false
option_pressure_decimals: 2
option_show_overview_decimals: true
option_today_temperature_decimals: true
option_tooltips: true
overview_layout: complete
  - overview
  - extended
  - slots
  - daily_forecast
show_section_extended: true
slot_l1: forecast_max
slot_l2: forecast_min
slot_l3: wind
slot_l4: pressure
slot_l5: sun_next
slot_l6: remove
slot_l7: remove
slot_l8: remove
slot_r1: empty
slot_r2: visibility
slot_r3: pop
slot_r4: humidity
slot_r5: sun_following
slot_r6: remove
slot_r7: remove
slot_r8: remove
text_card_title: NWS Weather — KBWI
text_update_time_prefix: 'Valid: '
type: custom:platinum-weather-card
update_time_name_attr: detailed_forecast
update_time_use_attr: false

openweathermap provides wind speeds in m/s, but the card shows the values with km/h, without converting them. I didn’t find any option to configure this.