Platinum Weather Card support

Offline again for two days running. Looks like it’s dead dead.

It is dead and HA are removing the integration completely in 2023.4.1

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Hello all,

a newbie is here and I am trying to use the Platinum weather card with OpenWeatherCard.

I used a code I found in the forum, but it does not show the daily forecast - where I should look at the problem? Can someone share a working yaml code / the GUI setup?

Mine is:

card_config_version: 8
daily_extended_forecast_days: 0
daily_forecast_days: 5
daily_forecast_layout: horizontal
entity_apparent_temp: sensor.openweathermap_feels_like_temperature
entity_forecast_icon: weather.openweathermap
entity_forecast_max: weather.openweathermap
entity_forecast_min: weather.openweathermap
entity_humidity: weather.openweathermap
entity_pop: weather.openweathermap
entity_pressure: weather.openweathermap
entity_rainfall: sensor.openweathermap_rain
entity_summary: weather.openweathermap
entity_sun: sun.sun
entity_temperature: weather.openweathermap
entity_update_time: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_time
option_color_fire_danger: false
option_pressure_decimals: 1
option_show_overview_decimals: true
option_show_overview_separator: true
option_static_icons: false
option_time_format: 24hour
option_today_rainfall_decimals: false
option_today_temperature_decimals: true
option_tooltips: true
overview_layout: complete
  - overview
  - extended
  - slots
  - daily_forecast
show_section_daily_forecast: true
show_section_extended: false
show_section_overview: true
show_section_slots: true
slot_l1: forecast_max
slot_l2: pressure
slot_l3: pop
slot_l4: sun_next
slot_l5: remove
slot_l6: remove
slot_l7: remove
slot_l8: remove
slot_r1: forecast_min
slot_r2: humidity
slot_r3: rainfall
slot_r4: sun_following
slot_r5: remove
slot_r6: remove
slot_r7: remove
slot_r8: remove
type: custom:platinum-weather-card
update_time_use_attr: false

When I enable the “Daily Forecast Section”, I notice that in the Home Assistant iOS app, it makes the cards able to scroll from side to side.
Normally all the cards are locked, so when you open the Home Assistant app you can just scroll up & down, it’s locked from side to side scrolling.
But as you see in the screenshot, as soon as I enable the “Daily Forecast” section the scrolling becomes really loose and goes side to side. This does not happen if I just enable the “Overview” and “Slots” sections.
Any idea what is causing this or how to fix it?

Just a guess…

From the HA menu, Select >> Companion App >> General. Then look for Page Zoom and verify it’s on 100%. Also check the iPhone’s Zoom, Display & Text, and Accessibility settings, and verify any enabled features are not causing the issue.

Thanks Rob, I checked that and it’s at 100%, and nothing changed out of the default for Zoom, text, accessibility, etc.
It works completely fine without the forecast section. There must be some extra padding added by the forecast section that is causing this. I’ll try playing with the settings around that, just wondering if anyone else had noticed this issue.

All I can say is it’s behaving itself on my instance. FYI, I’m on the latest release (1.0.5).

Could someone advise how to make the icon (on the top left of the card) larger? I’m fairly new to card_mod and CSS and have tried a few things but it doesn’t seemed to have worked!

The weather provider I’m using often uses “unkown” when a specific value is not specified. So for “chance of precipitation” they specify unknown instead of 0. Similarly for Humidex, I get unknown instead of a % if the Humidex measurement is not immediately relevant.

When this displays in the Platinum Card, I get "NaN’. Is there a way to error check for this and when an expected value is not present, simply display nothing instead of “Nan”?

Use template sensors.

Sorry, pretty new at this. Can you provide an example of what you mean? Thanks.

  - sensor:
      - name: "Filtered Chance of Precipitation"
        state: "{{ states('sensor.your_sensor_here')|float(0) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
      - name "Filtered Humidex"
        state: "{{ etc...

If the float filter can not convert the sensor’s state value to a number it will be replaced with the default, 0.

Great work on the card. It’s a nice upgrade.

One thing that is different from the old card is that when I show the forecast for 5 days, it starts with tomorrow’s forecast and the next 4 days after that. The old card used to start with today as the first forecast and then display the proceeding 4 days. Is there a way to customize this so that the first forecast is today’s forecast?


Trying to get this working with Visual Crossing weather service, but the card is not populating…

I’ve first created a REST entity with the API JSON link like the following:

  - platform: rest
    name: meteo_roma
    scan_interval: 10000000
      - days
      - alerts
      - currentConditions
    value_template: "{{ value_json.description }}"

and then tried to use it in the card.

Can the developer or someone else please help me getting it to work?

Hello, I currently have a problem with the forecast using OpenWeatherMap:

entity_apparent_temp: sensor.openweathermap_feels_like_temperature
entity_extended: sensor.openweathermap_weather
entity_forecast_icon: sensor.openweathermap_condition
entity_forecast_icon_1: weather.openweathermap
entity_forecast_max: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_temperature
entity_forecast_max_1: weather.openweathermap
entity_forecast_min: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_temperature_low
entity_forecast_min_1: weather.openweathermap
entity_humidity: sensor.openweathermap_humidity
entity_pop: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_precipitation_probability
entity_pop_1: weather.openweathermap
entity_pos: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_precipitation
entity_pos_1: weather.openweathermap
entity_pressure: sensor.openweathermap_forecast_pressure
entity_summary_1: weather.openweathermap

One more question: Is is possible to reduce this gap?

Is it possible to change the Day names at the forecast section or make them variable (sensor)?
My weather provider does not issue forecast for tomorrow via its API until the afternoon. Before that it is the forecast for the current day:

“Depending on the time of the request, you will get a 3-day forecast including today or later in the day you’ll get a 3-day forecast starting from tomorrow. You may use the dayName property to easily translate this for display purposes.”

It would be great if you could therefore set the day names as “sensor” as well.
Or is there another solution how I can display this correctly?


I’ve spent a ton of time trying to get this card working but am just having so much trouble… I live in the US… Does anyone have a yaml they can provide with working entities?

I can’t figure out a weather integration that gives me ‘entity_extended’ as an example…

Also can’t figure out one that will give me the daily forecast either…

Thanks so much…

This works with the NWS integration. Use weather_modern.yaml; it uses the newer YAML formatting style. If you place the YAML file in the /config/packages directory, it’ll load with an HA restart. You’ll need to change all instances of the 4-letter observation station to the one closest to you.

Here’s the yaml for the card. You can paste this in the code editor instead of using the UI. You’ll also need to change the station IDs. I’ve modified local files of the NWS integration to generate a ‘short forecast’, but a PR hasn’t been submitted. For the time being, you can omit line 17.

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Did you manage to reduce the gap? I’m looking to do the same for a dashboard and this card drops hangs off the screen.