Play audio out of local 3.5mm jack

Is there a way to do this? I am running an Intel NUC and home assistant is running inside virtual box. I’d love to be able to send audio out of the built in speaker output jack on the NUC so I can hook it up to my house amplifier which is right next to it.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


If you search the forum you will find this has been asked many times (mostly for the pi but same goes for a NUC) and there is no good solution.

I am surprised to discover that Home Assistant doesn’t automatically provide a media_player entity for the local audio subsystem. Today is the first time I’ve wanted to try getting audio out of the 3.5mm jack on my HA, and after seeing the dedicated AUDIO logging in HA for years I figured it existed. I guess that log is for something else? It must be difficult to do in a generalized way?

Same here…

I’m not concerned about high quality in my wall speakers, and thought it would be easy to just connect to my audio out jack, or usb to rca chipped cables. That would allow me to spin up multiple players and send them to my Nuvo to distribute as I need.

Install squeezelite (there is an addon)

Install slimproto (its a built in intergration which will give you a media_player)


On it! I’ll report back in a few days. Thanks for the tip.