Play custom audio file on HomePod Mini

Recently I thought about buying a Ring Doorbell Gen2 as a replacement of my broken doorbell, but I discovered that it has no integration with HomeKit, so I thought that I could use HA to fill that gap.
(Mainly, I’d like to avoid buying a Chime, because I already have an HomePod that I think I could use for that purpose)

I’m using the Apple TV integration, and I am able to play custom files through the web media player and I also managed to use TTS for voice, but I couldn’t find a way to play a sound using an automation. This automation should be pretty simple to create.
(Ring integration detects that the button has been pressed → Play doorbell sound on HomePod Mini).

I have Samba access to my server (RPi 4) to access the media folder and I already enabled the /local/ web access to serve static files to some random applications that I have.

Does anybody know the service call that I should use?

With some trial and error, I managed to reproduce an audio file hosted in the www folder (www/audio/test.mp3) on my HomePod Mini. The service call that I used was the following:

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.homepod-mini
  media_content_type: music
  announce: true

Just out of curiosity, how could I have done the same by using the Media Sources as the origin?


With the new Core 2022.9 update and the improved automation creation that came with it, I’ve managed to also use the other method by reproducing local media.

The media_content_id parameter looks like this:

media_content_id: media-source://media_source/local/audio/test.mp3

(The audio file is placed in media/audio)

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Newb question here but in what file and under what config does this go?

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.homepod-mini
  media_content_type: music
  announce: true


This is a piece of code which is run by a Script or an Automation.

Since I made this post, the developers made it easier to do this kind of automation. Now there is a specific block made just for playing media on a media player of your choice.

For me this dialog looks like this in HA 2024.10.x. I wonder if they rolled back that change or if I need to set some option somewhere…

Simply add “http://HA-IP:PORT/local/filename.mp3” to your content ID and “music” to your “content type” fields, upload the file to the “www” folder and enjoy. The file size seems to be limited to 15MB.