I am trying to set-up fully kiosk browser to play a sound uploaded in the local media library.
When I navigate to Media > Local Media > select the sound, it is able to play the sound without an issue.
However, when trying to use the media player entity added by the Fully Kiosk integration a toast message is shown on the fully kiosk device saying
Failed loading sound: Wrong URL or unsupported format?
I’ve tried playing different audio files, but none seem to work. I’ve been stuck on this for a while, and hopefully can find someone showing me in the right direction because apart from that Fully Kiosk appears to be everything i’m looking for.
I do have the same issue since sometime ago. It was working before I guess with HA 2022.8 or 2022.9
So something might have changed and is not working anymore with fully kiosk and current HA versions.
I could resolve that by setting in “network” → local network to “automatic”. Before that I had external and local url defined in the config which might causing this issue.
i had the same problems (Fully played the manualy started files but not the ones startet by an automation, setting Networks to Automatic didn’t help)
I changed the “content id” in the “play media”-service from
Now Fully plays the file without problems
Greets an thanks to all people helping each others out here!
For some reason I started to experience this issue. reading the recommended solution of changing Settings → system → networks → local network → automatic for some reason isn’t allowing me to make the change.
After turning on Automatic, there is no way to save that setting. The “setting” option at the bottom of that box in the system settings is greyed out.
Did anybody else have this issue ? New install of full kiosk here. Both of my fire tablets throw this error. I’ve tried the above suggestions with no luck.
From time spent trying to get the wakeword feedback “beep” going in StreamAssist, it appears that Fully Kiosk’s media player doesn’t understand the media type “audio”. Sending “music” instead makes it work.
How did you end up getting Stream Assist to send it as “music” instead of “audio”. I’m also running into this issue and seeing the error in the logs
When I manually replicate the service call using “audio” it throws the same error. When switching the Content Type to “music” it sends the sound through
I can’t find where in Stream Assist I can modify the Content Type, it always sends “audio”.
Edit : I opened an issue on the Stream Assist github, after submitting I noticed you had one up there as well