Play MP3 and TTS remotely on Windows machine with MPD

Hi guys!
I was able to set up remote mpd media player to play sounds on remote windows machine.

Here is short guide:

  - platform: mpd
    host: <windows-pc-ip>
    port: 6600   

There is one drawback - constantly opened console window. You can hide it by creating a task in Task Scheduler and set hidden flag to it.
Another solution can be found here: (i didn’t test it though)

Thanks a lot!!
I have installed everything but i can’t play sound… i receive this error:

playlist: play 0:"https://XXXXXXXXXX/api/tts_proxy/df51e37c269aa94d38f93e537bf6e2020b21406c_en_-google_translate.mp3"
client: [0] command returned 0
exception: Failed to decode https://XXXXXXXXX/api/tts_proxy/df51e37c269aa94d38f93e537bf6e2020b21406c_en
exception: nested: CURL failed: Protocol “https” not supported or disabled in libcurl

Thanks a lot