Play mp3-file on media_player-group?

I would like to play a sound (local mp3 in media) on a group of media-players (created as helper).
But if I select this group, then the play-media-funktion in the automation tells me that this mediaplayer does not support search of media.

It is depending the devices.
Some devices can only play http streams, other only accept googlecast streams and so on.

Greetings Profile - Fugazzy - Home Assistant Community,

I have made this blueprint available you could try.
I have other blueprints for other things available in my message footer link.

HA_Blueprints/Scripts/ at d1c15d75a7b5fa3042d60f7eee2d7633ea8a27a3 · SirGoodenough/HA_Blueprints · GitHub.