Play own online songs with Google Play Music Desktop Player, what arguments for "media_content_id"?


Simple question that I can’t quite figure out, given that you have a working GPMDP (google play music desktop player), what do you put in an automation file trigger section for playing a song/album/playlist that you have online?

Specifically, the media_player.play_media service has fields such as “media_content_id” that are component dependent, but I couldn’t find help on the gpmdp component page (

If you have any clues, thanks for sharing! =)

it says a url to the file, take a look at the media player domain linked here.

Thank for reply. I understand, but I can’t find the url for the google play music file. Any idea how to get the url? When you play a song on, the url doesn’t pop on the url bar.

My guess is that its just the folder structure in

But what if i want to play songs from my online library. I had a look into the google play thinggy because my machine is quite small and I wanted to have access to my online library of songs instead of having to store locally all the media files. Also I thought I could link my google play music desktop player to my google assistant to launch music from my phone directly to the desktop player but apparently its not possible. So the google play desktop thing loose its value. Maybe the best thing is to get some external storage media and sync it to my online library and use a more supported media player like Kodi.

The component you are using only works with that desktop player, nothing else. Don’t confuse this with your online profile and music.

What are you using to store your online library of songs?

I use google play music. Yes the component works with google music desktop. But google music desktop go fetch the music you stored on your google play music account.

" link my google play music desktop player to my google assistant to launch music from my phone directly "

Does their remote app do this for you? perhaps HA to control tasker to desktop remote.

Mobile Remote Control
Easily control the player from the comfort of your couch. We have apps for iOS and Android. Simply enable the Playback API in your players settings and install the mobile app.

It also mentions a Playback API which HA might be able to access.

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