Play Spotify To Google Home Speaker

Hey there,

just wondering how to make spotify cast to my google home devices:? I have a Media Control Card Configuration setup and it shows my current spotfiy song playing etc just no way to select where to cast it too

type: media-control
entity: media_player.spotify_unstoppableprob

this may help.

Install Spotcast as mentioned above and then…

service: spotcast.start
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_display
  uri: 'spotify:playlist:myplaylistid'
  shuffle: true
  random_song: true

I have spotcast installed already, so where do I put

service: spotcast.start
  entity_id: media_player.living_room_display
  uri: 'spotify:playlist:myplaylistid'
  shuffle: true
  random_song: true

Also in the uri: am I copying that line the exact same as you did?

to get the URI, you go to Spotify on your browser andreplace “myplaylistid” with the long alphanumeric string at the end of the specific playlist address…


As for where you put that specific service call, it could be the action of an automation, or the on-tap of a custom button card, or anywhere else you can call a service.

Okay I did that but its the part on where I use that code :stuck_out_tongue: I am new to this so I appreciate your time, I am trying todo something like this so I can control spotify in each room of my house through a google home mini.

Instead of mini media player, you may wanna use the Spotify Card for that. Also available in HACS.

I have that installed and it works just cannot select where to stream too (my Google mini) only way it works is if I open spotify on my phone and stream to the google home and then it shows up here but I wanna not have to use my phone

Do you not have “Choose Player” at the bottom of the card?

I think I am using the media player card actually

What should the code be if I add a card and then click custom card then code editor what should the code in there be ?

I would just use the Spotify card and follow the directions in the repository for it.

I’ve been using this integration for a while, yet, recently it stopped working.
When doing further testing, (perhaps it’s a coincidence, but) I found that it still works when playing spotify on devices with screens (in my case, Lenovo clocks) but not speakers (google home, nor minis).
Has anyone else experienced this?