Playing a sound effect through a speaker


I’m planning to use home assistant to help my house be a bit cooler this year for Halloween, and one of the ideas I had involved playing a sound effect when a sensor is triggered.

The sensor is a vibration sensor from Govee, linked through IFTTT. The bit I’m struggling with through is playing the sound.

As far as I can tell from a bit of research, Home Assistant doesn’t really work with Bluetooth speakers. This is a shame, as that would probably be the ideal solution. I’m not really sure what else I could do, maybe somehow triggering my phone to play it then linking that to a BT speaker? Or outputting through the 3.5mm jack? Are either of these possible? Or is there a better solution I’m missing?

I’m running the latest version of HA on a Pi 3B if that matters.


Edit: I have a Pi zero W lying around if that helps

Why not use a Google speaker?

Actually, I do have a google home mini, looks like kind of a pain to set it up though to get it to play your own file. Still, might be an option if nothing else works.

Actually it is quite easy and it plays your local files. I have five of them around the house.

can play anything out of the 3,5mm jack on your HA server.

I’m using this for years seamlessly :wink:

So for anyone curious, I eventually got this working in an extremely janky way, but it’s only temporary so it’s fine. Basically, had an old phone lying around so I put the HA companion app on there, then uploaded the different sound effects as notification sounds. Using the HA notify service, I could call a notification using the different sounds, which then play through a bluetooth speaker linked to the phone.

Probably could have set this up a little more elegantly, but if it works it works.

Why didn’t you go for the google home mini?

I took a look at it, but it seemed like kind of a pain getting the credentials and all. Maybe if this doesn’t work well I’ll go down that route.

If it’s on the same network, it should just show up (be auto discovered) as a Google Cast device. Then it’s as simple as playing whatever media you want on it.