Playing MP3 Files Directly to Volumio without Needing a Playlist

Primarily using NodeRED for automations
Volumio running on another host (RPi3).

Calling a media source (Playlist) is quite simple, when addressing a media player, and it works…so that’s good.

What’s frustrating is having to make a cacophony of playlists, one for each sound, in order to get a media player to play just one sound, rather than injecting a single MP3 file for playback into a media player.

It is yet possible to select a single MP3 file to play on Volumio without needing to nest it inside of a playlist?

I have not seen any updates to volumio to make that happen, no. Only updates to the code it looks like have been to add shuffle.

Is there an alternative media player solution out there that isn’t a “smart” speaker connected to the cloud?

Take a look at the media_player options in HASS and see if any work for you.

sorry to bump this old topic, but in case anyone else is stuck on this see my other comment Volumio - How to play specified files or playlist or shuffle songs? - #48 by kaitlinsmth