you’d have to share your config. His yaml is correct and that means you aren’t adjusting it for your environment. I.e. you have too many or too few spaces or you’re placing it in the wrong spot.
resulting in :
Invalid config for [sensor.template]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘friendly_name’]. Got ‘PS4 - Weekly Played Time’
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘ps4_time_played’]. Got None
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘value_template’]. Got ‘{{ states.sensor.ps4_played_time.attributes.value }}’. (See ?, line ?).
Well you need playstation 4 as a media_player. This is just getting time played/used. I have no idea what integration @bbalz is using. I’d assume the playstation integration.
I no longer have it in home assistant myself though. I had no automations setup for the PS4 as I don’t really play it at all. Also I don’t really look at the app on my phone or website on my computer much since most of what I need is automated.