Please add VeSync Etekcity ESF24 Scale

Could someone add Etekcity ESF24 bodyfat electronic scale from VeSync.
found here

I can help testing.

I see it’s a year since you made the request, did you manage to find a way to integrate them into HA?
Most other devices on the VeSync app seem to be integrated already.

I’ve also got a set of ESF24 Smart Fat Scales I want to use and am also happy to help test.

No, I did not get it to work. I dont really code so I was hoping someone could guide me but alas no answers.

Yeah coding it is way above my skill level.
Hopefully this will bump it up the queue to the devs :slight_smile:

I know it’s from over two years ago, so might not be relevant anymore, but I’ve recently created a custom integration for the ESF551 model which I use. I don’t know whether it’s going to work as is for the ESF24 model, but give it a try.
If it doesn’t then I can probably add support for it relatively easily if you send me the bluetooth packet captures.
At the moment it only supports weight as that’s the only thing I wanted to use, but I can easily add support for impedance measurements, and then based on that we can find how to calculate the body composition measurements the same way the VeSync app does it.

Anyway, here’s the repo: GitHub - ronnnnnnnnnnnnn/etekcity_fitness_scale_ble: A Home Assistant custom integration for Etekcity Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) fitness scales. Get real-time weight measurements in your smart home setup.
Or if you have HACS installed:
Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

If you try and/or need help with it let me know.

Funny I have not reinstalled HA simce I moved, I was planning on doing it soon. I will for sure give a try at your repo and come back with my results.

It may take a while (couple weeks to a month)
But thanks for your update!

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I’ve got an ESF24 scale and have tried your integration, although I was not able to get it to work