Please expose more of the my.cnf options in the GUI

I am requesting you expose the configuration options for the mariadb addon in the my-server.cnf file so I can tweak the memory settings. I have an 8gb RAM pi 4 I would like to dedicate more of the memory to mariadb to get better performance.
If I do it now, its a docker so my changes are reverted.

Please be specific about what options you need available. The addon is not going to provide an ā€œinsert your my.cnf file hereā€ option as thatā€™s not supportable. The addon devs canā€™t possibly test every combination of all the options mariadb makes available to ensure everything users can do works. But if you ask for specific options to be exposed in addon config, that is possible.

Alternatively if you just want to write your own my.cnf file then consider running a Mariadb container on another machine and having HA talk to it. Or copying the MariaDB addon to your own addon repo or the /addons folder and maintaining your own version with the my.cnf file you need.

Or copying the MariaDB addon to your own addon repo

I tried, but when I went to import it as a new add-on it said that it wasnā€™t a valid add-on.
Since the repo its self contains a dozen or so addons in total.


I need to set both of these to 2gb

Or copying the MariaDB addon to your own addon repo or the /addons folder and maintaining your own version with the my.cnf file you need.

How do I do this?

metod 1
i found temporary solution i install phpmyadmin and set by sql


SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
SET GLOBAL query_cache_size=32777216;
SET GLOBAL query_cache_type = ON;

need to run again after restart

method 2
install Advanced SSH & Web Terminal addon

in terminal run
mariadb -e ā€˜SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)ā€™
mariadb -e ā€˜SET GLOBAL query_cache_size=32777216ā€™
mariadb -e ā€˜SET GLOBAL query_cache_type = ONā€™

need to run again after restart

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I ended up moving mine to a separate VM where I could control all aspects of the database.