And in addition to that, you shouldn’t forget about the language barrier.
There are a lot of people using HA, that don’t speak english! Eg. my mother in law would never even think about looking something up here, as she wouldn’t even get here or know of the existence of this forum at all, without english search phrases…
It’s 2024, and people still haven’t learned, that their point of view is not the only valid one. But that is not HA specific. Look around the world - in many places idiots are running the governments, because people are easy to manipulate and think, their POV is the valid one… Me, me, me - everything is mine, I earned it, or better, others earned it, but it should be mine either way…
I remember a topic from a few days ago, where someone asked a really dumb question, I answered not very friendly (no, not sorry about that), and the next thing, I’m anti american (didn’t even know he was a maga). No, I’m not! I’m anti moron, and I don’t care if black, white, green or dotted blue. I neither care for race or religion, but what I do care about is the attitude these people think they can have. Their POV is not the only one, despite populist politicians or helicopter parents telling them.
And it’s the same here: I want that fixed, it’s important for me, I must have that. And I learned, if I only scream loud enough, some idiot will take care of it. Works in politics, why not here?
Most of the feature requests are the same: HA is bad, it doesn’t have this or that, I need that. Period.
If others need this, or if it is even slightly valuable for at least 1% of the users, doesn’t matter, I need it, I want to have it, do it.
I see hard times coming up for these people, history won’t be kind to them and at the end of the day, they are even more disillusioned, because they are left behind. But instead of what the get to hear, it is simply because of their attitude and unwillingness to accept, there are other views as well…