NUT - no sensors created for s/n or model no by integration

thank you for clarifying that. much appreciated.

Just add it as an attribute and be done with it. There’s a couple of forum posts on how to do that using customize.

Also, I get HA is done by volunteers and I guess there is 3 people that maintain the NUT addon\integration (or so I was told), but I could rattle off few things that entities were created for NUT and the data never changes. It always has a static value. Some have their wants and needs, I have mine too. Thanks for the tip.

Then this needs to go in as a Feature Request. Pretty sure I saw another one requesting this already somewhere on the forum, so search around before creating a new one please.

Difference between what I inquired about on this post was the s/n was part of the entity_id. Now I need to add attribute to something that does not have entity_id or entity. I am basically looking to create something from a data value. I been looking in forums and google and not seeing any good pointers. Can you reference me something to go by?

Nevermind, It was your own post I read, on a different topic, and where you were already told to raise a Feature request.

If it helps, there’s already a generic feature request to show the Serial Id for devices. I suggest you vote there since you’ll have greater odds of this being voted for due to its generic nature.

so no way of creating a manual entity. I guess I was lucky with the other one and it could be manipulated with the template since the s/n was part of entity_id. oh well, win some and lose some.

That’s one of the functions of using a template sensor. It allows you to manual create an entity from somewhere else. There are other entities that can be manually created depending on what you’re trying to do.

Easiest way to create any attributes/notes/whatever for your devices is to use the customize.yaml file. You can then use it in a card just like petro showed you how in the linked post.

Here is an entire FR thread asking for generic notes. The second post shows you exactly what you need to add in customize.yaml.
Just set it up once & forget it.

I been reading about the customize.yaml over last day or two, but when Google is giving me mixed bag of results with some posts several years old I hesitated, but thanks for the link

Don’t be afraid, it’s quite easy to use. Ping me here if you get stuck & I’ll do my best to help you with it.

How does this look? Getting the impression I may also need to use configuration.yaml unless I am not understanding correctly.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Model Name"
        value_template: "KD-55X750F"
        friendly_name: "Serial Number"
        value_template: "123456"      

You need to add the serial in customize.yaml and reference the file in configuration.yaml first if you’re splitting up your config.

Otherwise just add everything in configuration.yaml under your existing homeassistant lineand forget about customize.yaml, like this.

      serial: "12345"

Remember to reload location & customisations from the dev tools page in order for the change to apply.

I want to use customize.yaml alone. No errors, but nothing created. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

I am referencing the customize.yaml file in the configuration.yaml

    friendly_name: "Serial No"
    value_template: "123456"

Ok, let’s take it step by step.
Paste your customize.yaml here, and paste the section in the configuration.yaml (including the homeassistant line) where you’re referencing it

ok so what I pasted from last post is in the customize.yaml. The file did not exist so I created it. So nothing else in that file except what you see from my last post.


    packages: !include_dir_named packages
    customize: !include customize.yaml

    name: Home
    latitude: 42.230830
    longitude: -70.933590

# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.

# Load frontend themes from the themes folder

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml

  backup_script: "/bin/sh -c 'ha core stop && ha backups new --name \"Automated backup $(date +%Y-%m-%d)\" && ha core start'"

Ok, but sensor.sony_kd_55x750f_serialno doesn’t actually exist as an entity, right?

You need to use an entity which already exists in order to add an attribute to it, so your customize should look something like this:

  serial: "123456"

You’re also indented too far to the right for friendly_name and value_template. While it may not break anything, those lines should be only 2 spaces in instead of 4

correct. they don’t exist as an entity. was hoping to create a “fake one”. this does exist media_player.sony_kdl_40w600b. Can I add an attribute to this to accomplish what I want x 2 so I can display the model and s/n on dashboard

Looks like a different device from your first one based on the model number, but sure, give that a try.

Remember to reload customisations after your change

so the attribute was created with value I define. sorry if this is obvious, but how would I then reference the attribute on any card?