Please guide me like I'm 5, how to add a Tuya WIFI Zigbee Temperature Humidity Sensor

I do not know even what category I should post, if that helps.
I am frustated by the inadequate app that came with “Tuya WIFI Zigbee Temperature Humidity Sensor Indoor Hygrometer Thermometer Detector Smart Life Remote Control Alexa Google Home” sensor
I bought from aliexpress.
I just want it to show me what temperature it is when I open the app on android , keep a graph of temperature vs time and finally, have a notification when temp goes over x or when battery depletes. ( this device “eats” batteries every 20 days or so.
Please guide me like I’m 5 years old, and I will build from this, I hope. Or my son will.

What is the model # of the device?

Welcome! As @ServiceXp said, you need to give model number details to make sure everyone is discussing the same thing. That said, if it is the model linked from Amazon below, you might explore some of the Tuya integration options that Home Assistant offers. This does appear to be a Tuya zigbee device that by it’s ‘normal’ operating mode talks Tuya’s zigbee protocol to a Tuya zigbee to wifi hub, then this hub allows wifi devices to retrieve it’s data. Do you have Tuya zigbee to Wifi hub? or are you using a Amazon echo device which has a zigbee hub function built in? A rather complex ‘dog leg’ that way, I am not sure HA’s Tuya integrations support these ‘indirect’ Tuya zigbee to wifi devices as yet. As @ImNotSpam says, an alternative route via Home Assistant is to explore zigbee2mqtt , which will require you to install a zigbee radio on your home assistant server. Good hunting!

Are you talking about this?

Looks to be the same as this thing on Amazon.

If so, zigbee should be used. I dont even know of any small sensors that have wifi and zigbee. Wifi devices have terrible battery life. Do you have a zigbee hub? You’ll need one to use this sensor.

Lastly, I don’t have any experience with this sensor, but I do have a few Aqara ones that work very well with long battery life.

First question i be asking

is what addon Integration are you using

HA does not know what anything is we use addon Integration to talk between them

other question what dongle are you using.


the way I do it is

Zigbee2mqtt this way has not let me down.

first we need to install

the hard bit with Zigbee2mqtt is setting up the serial port in the Configuration of it

also change the network_key: to something random
just put numbers in each line

    - 10
    - 0
    - 9
    - 8
    - 5
    - 2
    - 11
    - 16
    - 0
    - 4
    - 8
    - 3
    - 2
    - 10
    - 12
    - 13

for the serial port