Please help! Error: System is not ready with state: setup

I had recently installed server 2019 with plans to setup hyper V and Home assistant OS.

I had setup a virtual switch and setup my virtual machine with the fairly basic instructions provided on the website.

When I go to initially launch HA, I get greeted with a long wait time for the supervisor to launch. And ultimately gets a screen reading Error: System is not ready with state: Setup.

I believe it may be a network issue? i have a Nighthawk R7400 and I am not able to install HA OS on my main computer as well.

When I go to work, I have server 2019 desktop when following the same steps I am able to launch HA OS perfect with no issues.

I have a ryzen 7 1700 and a rx580.
on my main PC I have a ryzen 3600x and a 1080

could there be a setting Im overlooking? able to provide any logs. here are some that ive gathered.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet for reference of OG problem, for my logs Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I previously had HA running in a docker container on a debian system. figured Id scrap it and come to hyper V and re set everything up but was sadly mistaken

I think that’s a pretty generic error. One of the causes can be disk space - how much did you give the VM?

Otherwise - maybe a DNS issue. Make sure that DNS names resolve from your virtual network.

It doesnt allow me to add disk place on Hyper V i believe, the hard drive on my folder in the disk it uses it doesnt allow me to change the amount,

Ive followed another guide to manually setting my dns to on nmcli, it sadly did not stay on my network config but I am able to ping and

sadly did not work, I like that idea though, I somehow thing its a network error Imgur: The magic of the Internet i ran a nmcli just in case anyone sees anything wrong w my network