I had recently installed server 2019 with plans to setup hyper V and Home assistant OS.
I had setup a virtual switch and setup my virtual machine with the fairly basic instructions provided on the website.
When I go to initially launch HA, I get greeted with a long wait time for the supervisor to launch. And ultimately gets a screen reading Error: System is not ready with state: Setup.
I believe it may be a network issue? i have a Nighthawk R7400 and I am not able to install HA OS on my main computer as well.
When I go to work, I have server 2019 desktop when following the same steps I am able to launch HA OS perfect with no issues.
I have a ryzen 7 1700 and a rx580.
on my main PC I have a ryzen 3600x and a 1080
could there be a setting Im overlooking? able to provide any logs. here are some that ive gathered.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet for reference of OG problem, for my logs Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I previously had HA running in a docker container on a debian system. figured Id scrap it and come to hyper V and re set everything up but was sadly mistaken