(PLEASE HELP) Integrations Not Finding Multiple Cameras Via Encoder On Single IP

Short version – Integrations - Axis finds one camera and 3 associated binary sensors for motion on the IP address. The problem is that there are 4 cameras on that IP address as they are coming in via an Axis m7016 encoder. Home Assistant is only finding and setting up one camera. The system will not allow adding another integration for it because the IP is already in use.

I would be happy to answer any questions anyone may have on the issue…looking for anyone with any thoughts/ideas that may help with this issue.

core.config_entries file contains this (some values masked):

                "connection_class": "local_push",
                "data": {
                    "device": {
                        "host": "",
                        "password": "xxxxxxxxxx",
                        "port": 80,
                        "username": "root"
                    "mac": "ACCxxxxxx40",
                    "model": "M7016",
                    "name": "M7016 0"
                "domain": "axis",
                "entry_id": "232xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx45e",
                "options": {
                    "camera": true,
                    "events": true,
                    "trigger_time": 0
                "source": "user",
                "system_options": {
                    "disable_new_entities": false
                "title": "M7016 - ACCxxxxxxx40",
                "version": 1

Then the core.entity_registry file has this(again some values masked):

                "config_entry_id": "232xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx45e",
                "device_id": "ebxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf4",
                "disabled_by": null,
                "entity_id": "camera.m7016_0",
                "name": "Garage2",
                "platform": "axis",
                "unique_id": "ACCxxxxxxxxx40-camera"

I would expect I need another entry like the one above with a different device_id, entity_id, name, and unique_id. However, I do not know where the device_id is coming from?