Please help me decide the correct direction for my new server

If this has been asked before I am sorry. I just discovered Home Assistance I have a motherboard on the way to replace an old one that died on me and my plans for it was OpenMediaVault My plans were for backup and to stream all my media throughout the house on OpenMediaVault I am familiar with OpenMediaVault a bit ran it for a year on a pi3 and pi3+ just for fun. Actually, up until yesterday, I was up in the air on what to installing OpenMediaVault or running FreeNAS that is until I found about Home Assistance. I’m very excited about learning and using Home Assistant. I would like to have OpenMediaVault and Home Assistant on the same machine rather than my Raspberry Pi 3+. Now correct me if I’m wrong would that be wiser to have both on one machine that is more powerful than a Raspberry Pi 3+? The reason for the server is I have one Vero 4K + and Three more TVs one is running another Raspberry Pi 3 and the other two have the Plex app installed. Streaming media and other small processes was the main reason for the server up until yesterday. How would you recommend setting up my server to run the two? I have a daughter and I saw that you can do tracking and like the tutorial showed the kid at school or who is home. I would like to be able to do that and allow my parents to access to see it. I’ve been slowly but surely turning the house into a command base light on light off with the echo Dot Among other things like turning on my amp and recording equipment all at once. Which I thought was pretty cool with the echo. I tried it with Mycroft AI and well lol. I am very very brand new with Home Assistant I am running it on a Raspberry Pi 3 with at the moment and honestly I just discovered it yesterday 3-18-19 and spent 10 hours playing with it. The machine that I’m going to be using is an AMD Athlon II 4 core 3.0GHz I’m starting off with 8 gigs of RAM + 150 gig SSD and I have two 4 terabyte hard drives on the way next month. Any advice would be extremely helpful. Sorry for the long post.

OpenMediaVault supports Docker, so this isn’t a problem.

Just use Docker for Plex and Home Assistant.

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Linux server with Docker containers is a great way to start.
That is what I am currently doing (just started the last few months, very slowly).
It is very nice because if you mess something up, or just want to try something out, all the containers are self contained. You can start one up, test stuff out, and if you don’t want it - remove it and nothing is left over.

I have really liked using docker, and many many things are supported already.
Anything that isn’t you can likely create a docker file and make it yourself too!

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flamingm0e thank you! Is there a Docker image of Home assistant or tutorials for it I’m not that familiar with docker I have played around with it but that’s about it. Some things just passed me up I’ve been running Linux for a very long time and never really got into docker and I do not know how Home Assistant passed me up lol

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DeadEnd flamingm0e Thank you both I’m looking forward to contributing some scripts in the future (distant future) lol I got that learning curve right now.

Since your experienced with Linux you might just be comfortable using the terminal.
but for those like me, or if you just like GUI - I suggest Portainer (or something similar if someone else has a recommendation).

Portainer is another Docker container - it is a nice GUI for managing Docker containers.
From the GUI you can interact with your docker images, containers, network, stacks, etc., etc.
Normally I just use it for container management and sometimes images - but it has a lot more capability than what I use it

When you get to using Home Assistant, you’ll eventually probably need MQTT - there’s a container for that too :wink: . Actually multiple, but most use Mosquitto… anyway once you start playing with it, I expect you’ll pick it up very quickly since you have experience with Linux already.

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DeadEnd Openmediavault is a web-based media / Nas server that has Docker built in and I will definitely check out Portainer thank you for the advice! What I think is cool about Home Assistant is it takes the corporation out of the picture and into your own hands. let me be clear I’m just a Linux user :slight_smile: I’d like to configure stuff and make it work but I’m probably no better than anybody else. You know more about Docker and containers than I do.

I’ve only been playing with it a few days a week for a month or two - so not very knowledgeable yet.
I too am trying to localize everything - so far I have HA, MQTT, and working on some espHome devices (because the stock firmware wants to call to China). Also some IP cam’s - and everything is half done :slight_smile:

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IP cam’s are you running motionEye? I played around with motionEyeos for a bit. I saw Home Assistant had the ability to use motionEye.

Oh boy… I’ve tried MotionEye, Shinobi, Kerberos… all work, but none of them I was super happy with.

My main goal is to get good detection for objects (People specifically). Motion detection alone was not going to work because of shadows (and headlights by the road). I actually found a docker file for a Tensorflow setup. There are actually multiple out there, and other programs like it (at least 3 I found that look easy enough to setup). I am currently using this over an NVR.

In fact Home Assistant has multiple-image processors - OpenCV, TensorFlow, etc. that it can integrate with. This allows you to automate based on the detection.

I have just started playing with these but I think this might actually be the path I take. Would still like a good software to view streams from multiple cameras simultaneously though… but now I am focusing on the automation part instead.

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I can recommend unRaid. It has a lot of applications including HA, NodeRed, Plex an any docker compatible app and VMs. Also is easy to install and maintain.

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oriolism Correct me if I’m wrong but that’s a pay system. According to the internet, I may be wrong but it looks like it’s based on the operating system I started off on Slackware. I will spin up unRaid in a VM if I can and check it out. What I’ve been reading it’s very similar to freenas and openmediavault. Thank you for pointing it out. lol that link the first thing you see is Linus from Linus Tech tips lol

Yes, you buy a license once for the quantity of disk that you are going to use if you need more you can upgrade later. For me it’s worth it, sure you can get something similar for free but if you are like me that im not a linux user you may have to dig into forums and spend days or weeks trying to get the system that you want running without issues.

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oriolism I appreciate the recommendation but I am a Linux user and I enjoy the search and fixing the issues and I’m a big advocate on free and open source. But I do appreciate the recommendation.