Please Help - Miio integration with

Hi, hope you can help, already spent hours trying.
Followed all the steps on the miio integration for the IR Remote, its recognized in xiaomi cloud, can get device id and all is identified:
Mi Universal Remote

IP: 192.168.x.78

Token: token ok

MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx


Region: cn

try the integration and IR remote not selectable, a lot of devices appear, tryed also yaml cpnfiguration:

- platform: xiaomi_miio

  name: "IRemote"

  host: 192.168.x.78

  token: !secret token_ir_xiaomi

tried manualy and once i chose a switch from the devices and it recognized something, i send a comand and it blinked, but after not any other sign of life.

It works well through the mobile app. but i want it in HA, can anyone help me? Thanks in advance

@LuisPalha did you finally find a solution for that?
I’m struggling at the same spot!