Hello there,
Any help with the problem or directions to where I can find the solution would be more than appreciated. This might be a long post but I want to be as detailed as possible.
I have homeassistant running on a VirtualBox (hosted on macOS13) virtual machine with a bridged connection. All was running fine. Recently I changed my router (Asus RT- ac68u) firmware from dd-wrt to Asus-merlin. This was done because the dd-wrt was having problems and I have wanted to try merlin so I thought now is the time.
Once the change over to the new firmware was complete I have noticed several problems. All relating to homeassistant.
Mqtt server does not work with in the local network. All devices outside local network connect via port forward no problem. I get a socket error in Mqtt logs for all devices that connect to via local network,
Homebridge: Cannot connect.
Samba: Cannot see homeassistant drives inside my finder or explorer windows.
I can access the home assistant instance (via homeassistant.local:8123 not via IP though) and it does work. All my devices node red flows and all other addd-ons work.
I am not sure where to go next. I have been through many a forum. I feel like it has something to do with the vm communication with the router but I don’t know. I have seen mdns suggestions and multicast suggestions. I have tried everything, including going reverting back to default settings.
Please I am getting desperate. Please help any direction would be great.
Edit I looked at my console found the following