Please help with RFLINK motion sensor

Hi. I have raspi3, hassio with RFLink (arduino) connected by USB.

In configuration.yaml there is:
_ port: /dev/ttyUSB0_
_ - platform: rflink_
_ automatic_add: true_
_ - platform: rflink_
_ automatic_add: true_
_ - platform: rflink_
_ automatic_add: true_

My motion sensor was added as LIGHT going only to ON. I would like to trigger alarm based on this sensor. Should I turn this from LIGHT to SENSOR - or maybe SWITCH?? (please how). Or should I set the alarm event on this LIGHT? In this situation I need to go back to “OFF” state automatically after xx seconds. Also I would like to see those motion sensors (4 together) in some special HA screen and “light” is not proffessional :slight_smile: Thank you.

OK seems like the only solution now is to add motion sensor as SWITCH and create automation based on fire_event created by this switch which wil turon it OFF after xx seconds.

How can I create the “motion” icon on the top of the HA screen which show motion event?

Strange thing is that if I use 433MHz motion sensor via RFlink as a light it will turn on immediatelly (from previous OFF state). But if I configure the same motion sensro as SWITCH it will turn on second or third atempt after I manually turn it to OFF. How is this possible?

DAMNED hassio wont start every third-fourth reboot. Many people talking about the same issue without answer. Maybe it will be better to go back to hassbian. Hassio is really in BETA.

I have moved to HASSBIAN instead of HASSIO. HASSIO just freezes (wont start after reboot sometimes). Seems like there is no possibility to add rf motion sensor as a sensor. Only as a light or switch. Now I try to convert this switch into motion sensor via other component.

How did you eventually add the motion sensor?