I have been fighting with this for days and am about to give up on home assistant. I know this has to be super simple, in fact, I cannot find a more simple curl command in anyone elses posts on here asking similar to how I am. The curl command to set the temperature on some esp8266 electric heater thermostats I created is this,
curl -X POST -F ‘target=65’ http://x.x.x.x/state
That’s it. And that command works perfectly every time. there’s no authentication needed, it’s that simple. I have an input number slider and have two successful automation’s created. One, that updates the slider value if I manually change the setpoint and the other calls the restfull command when I move the slider. They both work as intended, its just the payload I cannot get correct on the restful command. Here is what I have…
payload: ‘{“target”: {{ states(“input_number.heater”)}}}’
Please… what am I missing? When trying to run in in developers tools, it says incorrect parameters which is a common error I get if I am changing mode and misspell something or don’t have formatting correct with curl. Thanks in advance!!