Please let me introduce myself, and thank you

Hello all,

I’m Reynald, 37 y.o, from Paris, France.
I’m new here, a little new to Home Assistant, power user on linux based systems.

I use to automate my home using a i686/amd64 server, running unRaid software (a nice like software), with dockerization of extra appps like media center, home automation, etc…

I’m using Jeedom software in production, but it becomes a pain in the ass with not so well community maintened plugins, and because I’m using RFLink (433Mhz), Xiaomi Gateway, and ESPEasy/MQQT (slowly converting to ESPHomeLib/MQQT) for my heaters I can’t permit myself to pass another winter with the fear that an update will break comfort and ruin my wife acceptance factor…

So I’m playing with an instance of Home Assistant for a couple of months now, hence why I’m coming here: to thanks creators, developpers, and the community !

I’m still learning but finally, when you like to edit text files (I’m an headless linux guy), you can build build powerfull things, and yet reliable!

Thank you.