I’ve been able to set the speed of fans controlled by Enbrighten(GE/Jasco) 55258 units to 20% since I began using them. Following the core-2023.7.0 release change to zwave_JS in pull #92371 that ability has been lost.
I understand the simplification of mapping four button positions to off/low/med/high but why not provide a choice to also map to 6 buttons ( off | 20% | 40% | 60% | 80% | 100% ) or a slider?
Most importantly, don’t break scripts such as this:
Those switches only support three speeds (low/medium/high) and off. IIRC, the switch will accept percentage ranges but it just turns it into one of those speed settings (e.g., 0-33% will just turn the fan on low).
If sending a 20% value has historically set the fan to low, then perhaps it still should. Regardless of what happens, it seems like submitting an issue to the appropriate repo would be advisable for that breakage if it wasn’t specifically mentioned in release notes. If undocumented, that particular change in behavior could be a bug.
While annoying, it was a documented breaking change in the 2023.7.0 update.
I agree that keeping the functionality would be nice for everyone’s existing scripts.
Just wanted to say I am hoping the percentages can be brought back too!
I am using the same switch to control my bedroom ceiling fan and was able to set the speed to 10% so it was not so windy and now the lowest speed I can have is 33% which is too high.
Can we somehow re-enable all percentages rather that the 33,66,100?
Prior to the most recent update the speed was adjusted with a slider from 1%-100% (not the lo,med,hi settings currently) and the fan speed was significantly slower at 5%-10% than the “Lo” speed (33%) now.
Is there any way to get the slider back instead of the 3 speed settings?
I totally understand what you are saying and initially thought there would only be 3 speeds, but once the switch was installed and I was testing it out with HA the slider adjustment was able to use any percentage for the speed and the fan ran accordingly.
Maybe the paddle switch can only do the 3 speeds, but the slider was actually able to do the percentages and the fan ran down to 1% and the fan speed was way below 33%.
No, under the hood it only sets 3 speeds. The slider is something home assistant shows. You can even watch the zwave events. This device does not do anything other than 3 speeds. At all. You were bamboozled by HAs slider.
The commandclass under the hood is MultilevelSwitch V4 and it accepts a range between 1 and 99. You’re welcome to attempt to use this to set values between those points with set_parameter.
service: zwave_js.set_value
entity_id: fan.xyz
command_class: 38
property: targetValue
property_key: 0
value: # PUT 1 to 99 here