Please help, I have upgraded to HA 2021.10.6, which of course broke my existing Tuya integration. So I went ahead and delted the old one and added it again from my integrations. Here is what I did:
I logged into Tuya IOT platform and created a cloud development project
I can see all my devices (20) on here so I know I have the correct data center.
Once the devices are seen and account is added i went back to the OVERVIEW page and copied my ID and Secret to add into Home Assistant. I then added the Login to my Smartlife account and password. I hit submit and Home Assistant took it and said success. When I go in the integrations page i see no devices listed.
It looks liek it connected the account but no devices came over. Is this a problem with Home Assistant? Did I do something wrong? There are not log files that I can find so I cannot post them or if someone wants to see one please let me know wher to find it and I will post.
My Home Assistant is running on a Rasbpberry Pi 4 B with 4Gig of ram and accessed through browser window.
Please help I have a lot of devices I need to control with this and may have to stop using home assistant if I cannot get this to work.
well i tried the update to 2010 .11 reinstalled yuya and am still not seeing my devices. mayby start over and readd some devices again and see what happens?
Ok New Developments, I tried to register a new email address in the IoT Platform. Created a new account, then created a new project, followed everything that is in the instructions und home assistant.
When it came to adding the API’s the only one I could not add was Smart Home Family Management because it was not there. I went ahead without it and then linked it to home assistant with it seeing all of my devices.
So if any of you are having any problems I suggest try using a new email address in the iot platform and starting with a new project from scratch. Also Home Assistant should up date their insturctions to take out Smart Home Family Management.