Please tell me what I am doing wrong, Tuya Integration

Hello All,

Please help, I have upgraded to HA 2021.10.6, which of course broke my existing Tuya integration. So I went ahead and delted the old one and added it again from my integrations. Here is what I did:

  1. I logged into Tuya IOT platform and created a cloud development project

  1. I linked my smartlife app and account to the project and added the data center (western)

I can see all my devices (20) on here so I know I have the correct data center.

  1. Once the devices are seen and account is added i went back to the OVERVIEW page and copied my ID and Secret to add into Home Assistant. I then added the Login to my Smartlife account and password. I hit submit and Home Assistant took it and said success. When I go in the integrations page i see no devices listed.


It looks liek it connected the account but no devices came over. Is this a problem with Home Assistant? Did I do something wrong? There are not log files that I can find so I cannot post them or if someone wants to see one please let me know wher to find it and I will post.

My Home Assistant is running on a Rasbpberry Pi 4 B with 4Gig of ram and accessed through browser window.

Please help I have a lot of devices I need to control with this and may have to stop using home assistant if I cannot get this to work.

Thank you all for any help.

Try the Home Assistant 2021.11 beta. Tuya has much improved in that release.

Thanks I will try but under the Join beta only 10.8 is listed and is 11 stable?

I don’t have any problems

oops i misread the wrong side will try see what happens thanks.

well i tried the update to 2010 .11 reinstalled yuya and am still not seeing my devices. mayby start over and readd some devices again and see what happens?

Did you do Add device on Tuya IoT platform or did you link your Tuya App from your phone?

I linked the app on th phone
Open smartlife hit the plus scan qr code confirm, and all devices showed up

Did you grant all the permissions that are spelled out in the instructions?

Hello Mftas,

I am not sure what you mean by permissions but if you mean Service API, I have what I have in the image below:


Home Assistant website shows two more
Smart home Device Management
Smart home Family Management

Both of which do not show up in my list when i put them in.

How do i add them if I need them?

If this is not the permissions you speak of please let me know what you are talking about.

Thanks for the help.

Ok New Developments, I tried to register a new email address in the IoT Platform. Created a new account, then created a new project, followed everything that is in the instructions und home assistant.

When it came to adding the API’s the only one I could not add was Smart Home Family Management because it was not there. I went ahead without it and then linked it to home assistant with it seeing all of my devices.


So if any of you are having any problems I suggest try using a new email address in the iot platform and starting with a new project from scratch. Also Home Assistant should up date their insturctions to take out Smart Home Family Management.

Thanks all for your help.

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