
I’d like to create a daily automation which triggers at a certain time an Android TTS notification which lists all upcoming events for the day. Right now I can only retrieve one, and I would like to get a list. To explain I’ll share more details: Currently I have this:

service: notify.mobile_app
  message: TTS
    tts_text: >-
      Hi! Remember today: {{ states.calendar.default.attributes.message }} at
      {{ (as_timestamp(states.calendar.default.attributes.start_time)  | timestamp_custom(' %H:%M ') }}
enabled: true

The problem
Whilst this announces the next event, I’d like it to list all events for the day.

I tried looping trough the calendar, but there are only one event to list:

    {% for cal_events in expand(states.calendar.default) %}
      {{  as_timestamp(cal_events.attributes.start_time) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }},
      {{ cal_events.attributes.message }}
    {%- endfor -%}

Searching the forum, it seems that it Google Calendar integration can loop all events. (src)

I also see discussion about listing ‘all day’ events, but my first goal is to have multiple events in the first place.

Thank you for reading this far and your support. The reason why I post it here as a feature request is because the calendar state lists exactly one event and I believe the issue is with CalDav implementation. Please understand and point me in the right direction if I’m misunderstanding.

Debug info:

What version of Home Assistant

What version of NextCloud
Nextcloud 24.0.5 with Calendar 3.5.0.


  - platform: caldav
    username: <un>
    password: <pw>
    url:<[email protected]>/default/
    days: 2

Calendar in UI
My calendar has multiple events in one day:


When I check the state, I only see the next event:

message: Bimbambini meetup
all_day: false
start_time: '2022-09-17 18:30:00'
end_time: '2022-09-17 19:30:00'
location: ''
description: ''
offset_reached: false
friendly_name: default