I am fairly new to Home assistant and need to set up some automation around the Plex activity monitor. The monitor is working correctly, but I need HASS to send a MQTT message to my media server when nobody is streaming anything for a given time (lets say 30 min). My media server PC (Running Ubuntu server + plex) has a python program running on it that can be used to shut down or restart it using MQTT.
What must I do in the automation file to get this working?
I managed to get this working, turns out I had to change the 0 Watching to 0…
Now, how can I send the state of this sensor using MQTT in 1 automation file? (Current I have 1 automation with state 1, sends 1 over MQTT - another with 2 and so on…)
I have a arduino connected to this PC that communicates via usb to my python program, and it controls various LED strips, fans and power to some peripherals. I want to send how many users are watching and it displays it on a LED matrix on the server (using 1 automation rule)…