Plex support

So I installed HA for the first time last night, and I’ve been trying to get my head around things. It auto-detected my Plex server which was great, and it shows what media is being played.

There are media controls on the panel (forwards/backwards/pause) but they don’t do anything. Should they? I’m not sure how HA would know which client is watching something.

Can HA cope with multiple clients watching at once? I could be watching in the lounge while my wife is watching on her phone for example.

I can’t help on the controls because I am experiencing the same thing.

I can tell you I now see two cases of plex in HA, one is my phone and one is my living room. I did not have something playing at the same time on both so I can’t say the current movie will show for each at the same time although it did for each one while something was playing. It seems like it is just showing which client you have logged in and watching on. I ran out of time to keep playing around with it. In the works for this weekend.

Thanks - you’re right, it does show a different panel for each client, which is great.

Doesn’t seem to show the web client if I play on my laptop, but does show my main Pi player and my phone.