[plexapi] BadRequest (401) unauthorized

Hi folks, im keep gettig the following error:
I have whitelisten the ip in plex, set secure connections to Disabled.

2019-06-11 16:47:56 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [plexapi] BadRequest (401) unauthorized http://localhost:32400/; <html><head><script>window.location = window.location.href.match(/(^.+\/)[^\/]*$/)[1] + 'web/index.html';</script><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>
2019-06-11 16:47:56 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.components.plex.sensor] (401) unauthorized; http://localhost:32400/ <html><head><script>window.location = window.location.href.match(/(^.+\/)[^\/]*$/)[1] + 'web/index.html';</script><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>

This is the plex.conf file

    "": {
        "ssl": false,
        "token": null,
        "verify": false

I am not getting a plex configure option in not sure what is wrong. Would be nice if someone noticed something wrong in my settings.

###### MEDIA PLAYER ------------------------
  - platform: plex
    show_all_controls: false
    use_episode_art: true
    remove_unavailable_clients: true
    client_remove_interval: 600

I think you have to allow to acces hass to plex without authentication.
This is under “network”.

That solved my problem